neff采板卡、 neff机箱
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- 上海航欧机电设备有限公司商铺
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- neff采板卡、 neff机箱
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neff采板卡、 neff机箱(含电源)、 neff逻辑板卡
上海航欧neff采板卡 neff机箱(含电源) neff逻辑板卡上海航欧机电设备有限公司专业从事进口机电设备、仪器仪表等疑难备品备件的销售,是经营世界各地进口设备机电配件的现代化企业。
The Neff Advantage
Since 1956
Located in Monrovia, California not far from Pasadena,NEFF Instruments has been a leading manufacturer of highperformance data acquisition equipment since its founding in themid 1950s by Glyn Neff.
System 470
System 620/600
System 471
System 472
System 730
System 495
System 470
Function Cards
KAR-3-3205 KGF-N-3205/Tr 36x6
470010 32-Bit TTL Input
470011 16-Bit Isolated Digital Input-AC/DC Signals, 1000Visolation.
470012 2-CH Freq. or Period Input
470013 32-Bit TTL Input/Output
470014 ARINC-429 Controller
470015 2-CH Widerange Freq. or Period Input - programmablemodes.
470030 32-Bit TTL Output
470031 8-Point Form 'C' Relay Output - latchingrelays
470050 16-CH Differential Multiplexer - 10 Hz filter perchannel
470051 16-CH Differential Mux w/Open Source-w/filter
470052 16-CH Differential Mux w/4-20mA Input-w/filter
470054 4-CH Bridge Conditioner/Mux - w/multiplexer, amp &filter
470055 4-CH RTD Conditioner/Mux-w/multiplexer, amp &filter
470056 16-CH Transformer-coupled Mux- 1000V CMV
470059 16-CH Multiplexer, Direct Input- w/o filter
470070 2-CH 16-Bit DAC Output
470071 16-CH 12-Bit DAC Output
470081 16 Channel Isothermal Connector
470085 Calibration Card
System 471
Function Cards
470010 32-Bit TTL Input
470012 2-CH Frequency or Period Input
470013 32-Bit TTL Input/Output
470015 2-CH Widerange Frequency or Period Input-programmable
470030 32-Bit TTL Output
470031 8-Point Form 'C' Relay Output- latchingrelays
470052 16-CH Differential Mux w/4-20mA Input - w/filter
470058 4-CH Isolation Amplifier
47036X Mode Cards For Iso-Amp
System 472
Function Cards
472010 32-Bit TTL Input
472011 16-Bit Isolated Digital Input-AC/DC Signals, 1000Visolation.
472012 2-CH Frequency or Period Input
472013 32-Bit TTL Input/Output
472015 2-CH Widerange Frequency or Period Input -programmable
472030 32-Bit TTL Output
472031 8-Point Form 'C' Relay Output - latchingrelays
472052 16-CH Differential Mux w/4-20mA Input - w/filter
472059 16-CH Multiplexer, Direct Input - w/o filter
472060 16-CH Programmable Gain Amp/Filter
472070 2-CH 16-Bit DAC Output
472071 16-CH 12-Bit DAC Outpu
472081 16 Channel Isothermal Connector
System 495
Function Cards
495200 Input/ControlAssembly with SCSI Interface (16slots)
495101 Expansion Input Assembly (16 Slots)
495070 250 kHz Prog. Amp/Filter with 16-bit ADC and 1 meg Ram
495071 250 kHz Prog. Amp/Filter with 16-bit ADC and 16 meg Ram
495072 250 kHz Prog. Amp/Filter with 16-bit ADC and 32 meg Ram
495073 250 kHz Prog. Amp/Filter with 16-bit ADC and 64 meg Ram
495080 1 MHz Prog. Amp/Filter with 14-bit ADC and 1 meg Ram
495081 1 MHz Prog. Amp/Filter with 14-bit ADC and 16 meg Ram
495082 1 MHz Prog. Amp/Filter with 14-bit ADC and 32 meg Ram
495083 1 MHz Prog. Amp/Filter with 14-bit ADC and 64 meg Ram
495085 8 Input Trigger Module
System 620/600
Function Cards
620650 - 4 Channel Preamp with 2-Pole Butterworth Filter
620654 - 4 Channel Preamp with 6-Pole Butterworth Filter
System 730
Function Cards
2-Channel programmable gain amplifier card with transducer conditioning
24 Bit Isolated TTL inputcard
· TheNEFF System 470 (S470) DAS is a complete, low cost moderate-speedDAS for use in computer-based applications. The S470 is designedprimarily for computer automated data acquisition in testfacilities, laboratories and industrial plants or wherever amoderate-speed DAS is required.
· TheS470 is designed to accept analog inputs ranging from 5mV to 10.24Vfull scale in 12 programmable steps. Signal conditioning forsensors such as strain gages, RTDs, potentiometers andthermocouples is supplied by standard S470 function cards thuseliminating the need for external sources. Other function cardssupport digital I/O, frequency measurement and analogoutput.
· S470consists of a 7-inch high, 19-inch wide enclosure with powersupply, backplane wiring, I/O Control Logic printed circuit card,Analog Subassembly printed circuit card and 16 I/O card slots thataccept any combination of S470 function cards. A Control/Displaypanel is optional and an expansion assembly is available to extendfunction card capacity to 32. The maximum number of channels ordata points to be serviced depends on the type of function cardsused. Thirty-two 16-channel Multiplexer cards, for example, provide512 channels of analog input while a full complement of 32-bit TTLinput cards accommodate 1024 single data points.
· TheSeries 600 is NEFF's top-of-the-line data acquisition systemproviding the utmost in performance, accuracy and convenience.Featuring leading-edge technology and innovative design, Series 600brings extensive automation and complete programmability to thetesting laboratory.
· Thekey to Series 600's high performance is the effective combinationof fully programmable preamp/filters, programmable post amplifier,sophisticated microprocessor-controlled calibration circuits andthe amplifier-per-channel data acquisition technique that realizesthe lowest noise level and highest common mode rejection obtainablein a data acquisition system.
· ProgrammableGain Over the Full Dynamic Range
With programmablegain, test setup time is greatly reduced as is the bother andconfusion of manual switch settings. In Series 600 the range ofeach channel is programmable from +/-5mV full scale to +/-10.24Vfull scale in 12 binary steps.
· PreampsInclude Programmable Filter
Two types of inputpreamps are available in Series 600 to allow both static anddynamic measurements. Both have programmable filter cutofffrequencies of 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz and 1kHz. Low-level differentialpreamps (620650 and 620654) have 2-pole and 6-pole Butterworthfilters, respectively.
· Thesample and hold preamp (620654) permits simultaneous sampling ofmultiple low-level input channels and is used where minimumchannel-to-channel skew is required. both preamps have fullyguarded inputs and operate from grounded or floating signalsources.
· AutomaticCalibration
On command the internal microprocessortakes over control of the Series 600 and begins a sequence of stepsto derive and store calibration factors for each channel. Thecalibration data is stored in on-board memories and during run modeare summed with the post amplifier output voltage to obtain fullycalibrated signals for conversion by the ADC.
· Theautomatic calibration procedure results in static accuracy of(0.02%
成立日期 | 2006年09月08日 | ||
法定代表人 | 豆严超 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 经销产品供应的行业涉及冶金、钢铁、石化、能源、航天、集装箱码头、汽车、水利、造纸、电厂、纺织、注塑、橡胶、医疗、食品包装等。 | ||
经营范围 | 机电设备、机械设备、电器设备、办公设备、自动化设备、电子产品、电线电缆、五金交电、通讯器材 | ||
公司简介 | 上海航欧机电设备有限公司专业从事进口机电设备、仪器仪表等疑难备品备件的销售,是经营世界各地进口设备机电配件的现代化企业。上海航欧公司与众多知名品牌电子组件供应商建立有极其良好的合作关系,在欧美、日本等地形成了稳定、高效的供应网络,专业的询价渠道和多年的行业经验,更使我们在价格及货期上有优势。 ... |
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