中国国际工业博览会 CIIF|2020工博会
更新:2020-12-23 17:28 编号:7783129 发布IP: 浏览:92次- 发布企业
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- 机床,自动化机器人,配套
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——机器人展,已经成为亚洲乃至全球Zui具规模和影响力的机器人专业展之一,分机器人本体、系统集成应用、服务机器人、核心零部件等4大展区。两大主题馆各有特色:7.1H 中国馆,彰显长三角三省一市机器人企业联动性,呈现全国机器人企业“智”造突围新势态,展现新时代“上海制造”、“中国制造”;8.1H 国际馆,各大机器人厂商纷纷携带Zui前沿、Zui新颖、Zui劲爆产品亮相展会。据不完全统计,机器人展全球、全国首发新品将多达60余款,有58家机器人企业首次亮相。除了耳熟能详的国际机器人四大家族:发那科、ABB、库卡、安川电机以外,一些机器人细分领域占据技术领先的品牌都将携新品亮相,如:史陶比尔公司将现场首发世界首创全封闭式的TS2SCARA系列四轴机器人,可以满足Zui严苛的人机协作情境,这款机器人设置了安全皮肤可以做到一受触碰即停。作为国际机械抓取解决方案处于领先地位的雄克公司将首次展出Co-act系列人机协作机械手,可与人类进行直接互动,通过传感器系统来记录、评估和传达情景、环境和运行条件,展现了机器人轻型化、紧凑化、安全化的发展趋势。
——新材料产业展(),汇聚全球材料领先企业,集中展示材料技术在材料届的应用成果,打造一个全球材料产业应用的新平台。材料界龙头企业将携主推产品悉数参展,如:巴斯夫携聚氨酯玻璃纤维复合材料智能城市电杆亮相;上海建材将带来中国第一款热解硬镀膜自清洁玻璃——耀皮 UVA80 自清洁玻璃;南京佑天金属科技将携自结晶铪展示主研发设计的整个生产系统、南京春晖将展出活得了国家科技进步二等奖,拥有自主知识产权、设计专利及实用新型专利的工业内窥镜。
The 22nd China International Industrial Exposition 2020
Time: September 15-19, 2020
Venue: National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai)
Area: 280000 square meters
Sponsored by: National Development and Reform Commission,Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of industry and informationtechnology, Ministry of science and technology, Chinese Academy ofSciences, Chinese Academy of engineering, China Council for thepromotion of international trade, Shanghai Municipal People'sgovernment, United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Organizer: Donghao Lansheng (Group) Co., Ltd
Please call: Mr. Chen 1726942 7257 (wechat same number)
Overview of the fair:
China International Industrial Expo (hereinafter referred to as"China Industrial Expo") is co sponsored by the Ministry ofindustry and information technology, the national development andReform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry ofscience and technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, theChinese Academy of engineering, the China Council for the promotionof international trade, the United Nations Industrial DevelopmentOrganization and the Shanghai Municipal People's government, COorganized by the China Machinery Industry Federation, and Donghaolansheng (Group) The international industrial brand exhibitionwith the equipment manufacturing industry as the main body ofexhibition and transaction undertaken by the company is held inShanghai every autumn.
Since its establishment in 1999, China Industrial and Trade Fairhas become the most influential international industrial brandexhibition in China 's equipment manufacturing industry, which hasbeen certified by the International Exhibition Industry Association(UFI) through professional, market-oriented, international andbrand operation. Since 2015, China Industry Fair has officiallymoved to Shanghai, the National Convention and Exhibition Center.The National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai), locatedin the core area of Shanghai Hongqiao CBD and adjacent to Hongqiaotraffic hub, is the largest exhibition complex in the world.
The 21st China International Industrial Exposition will be heldin the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) fromSeptember 17 to 21, 2019. There are 9 major professionalexhibitions, covering an area of more than 280000 square meters,with more than 2600 exhibitors participating. There are more than50 wonderful activities in the same period, and it is expected thatmore than 170000 professional visitors from home and abroad willvisit.
In order to better undertake the work of China Industrial Expo,since 2018, donghaolansheng group has authorized its subordinateShanghai Industrial Commerce Exhibition Co., Ltd. to undertake thespecific work of China Industrial Expo.
Nine professional exhibition areas:
——CNC machine tool and metal processing exhibition mainlydisplays all kinds of high-end metal cutting machine tools, metalforming machine tools, CNC system, power and transmission, cuttingtools and other key functional components. More than 500 Chineseand foreign enterprises, including Qinchuan, Gree, Yuhuan, Runxing,Fuqiang, Baoyuan, Mazak, tongkuai, Tiantian, Baicao, savanini, Han,Huagong, truking, Yangli, Yawei, have brought the latest processingequipment and technology in the field of metal processing. The fiveaxis combined turning and milling machining center of Qinchuanmachine tool represents the top level in China, which can be usedfor precision machining in the fields of military industry andaerospace instead of import. Germany tongkuai will bring TruLaser5040 fiber 10000 watt fiber laser cutting machine to the stage, andthe cutting efficiency is amazing. The 3D laser pipe cuttingmachine of Mazak, Japan, represents the highest level in theindustry and has won the 47th "Minister of economy and industryaward of Japan". It can be completed in one key from raw materialsto finished products.
——Industrial automation exhibition, as one of the mostattractive professional exhibitions under the China Industry Expo,many leading enterprises in the field of automation will focus ondisplaying the core technologies and front-end products ofintelligent manufacturing, focusing on the construction andupgrading theme areas of embedded technology exhibition area,motion control system exhibition area, intelligent sensor andconnection exhibition area, transmission exhibition area, pneumaticexhibition area and intelligent factory, Provide more targeted andefficient participation experience for professional users. Leadingbrands such as Siemens, Mitsubishi Electric, Bosch, PhoenixContact, SMC, begalai, Borg League, Mismi, Jino, Xinhan, Yanyang,Guangbao technology, etc. have all expanded the scale of theexhibition stand, bringing the most cutting-edge products andtechnologies. Panasonic electric machinery & electronics, Yanxianggroup, Huichuan technology, Hewang electric, Industrial AutomationInstrument Research Institute, Houda intelligence, Zhonghuanelectronics, Lao The industry leaders such as easytest are ready tolaunch. Siemens' cloud based Internet of things operating systemmindsphere, Bosch Rexroth's 5g model factory in the future,Mitsubishi Electric's E-F @ tray intelligent manufacturing solutionand a large number of other intelligent production and intelligentfactory applications will be performed on site for you.
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