2020-12-23 17:28 2次- 发布企业
- 上海市隆橙营销策划中心商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:上海隆橙营销策划中心组织机构代码:91310120MA1HRALA47
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- 展会时间
- 10月26-28日
- 关键词
- 国际汽车底盘,上海汽车底盘,2020汽车底盘展,AMEE报名处
- 所在地
- 闵行区
- 联系电话
- 15121196695
- 手机
- 17269427257
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1) 制动操纵机构
Power steering mechanism
The power steering gear is a device that uses external power toassist the driver to operate the steering wheel easily. With therecent increase of engine horsepower and the widespread use of flattires, the vehicle weight and steering resistance have increased,so the power steering mechanism is more and more popular. It isworth noting that the steering power should not be constant,because when driving at high speed, the tire's lateral resistanceis small, the steering wheel becomes light, it is difficult tocapture the feeling of the road, and it is also easy to cause thesteering too sensitive and make the car difficult to control. So weshould reduce the power properly at high speed, but the change mustbe smooth and excessive.
(1) Hydraulic power steering device the hydraulic power steeringdevice is light in weight and compact in structure, which isconducive to improving the sense of steering operation, but theincrease of liquid flow will increase the load of the pump, so itis necessary to maintain the idle rotation mechanism.
(2) Electric power steering device electric power steeringdevice is the latest form of steering device, because it isenergy-saving, so people pay attention to it. It uses the batteryto rotate the motor to generate thrust. Because the power of theengine is not used directly, the power loss of the engine isgreatly reduced (the maximum loss of hydraulic type is 5-10horsepower), and the hydraulic pipeline is not needed, which isconvenient for installation. In particular, it is conducive to themiddle engine rear wheel drive vehicles. However, at present, thepower of electric power steering device is not as good as that ofhydraulic type, so it is only used in the vehicle with light frontaxle and middle engine and rear drive.
(3) The electric hydraulic power steering device is the way thatthe power pump is driven by the motor and controlled by thecomputer. It integrates the advantages of the hydraulic type andthe electric type. Because of the computer control, the powersteering pump does not have to work frequently, saving the power ofthe engine. This method is compact in structure and easy to installand arrange, but the power generated by hydraulic pressure cannotbe too large, so it is suitable for cars with smalldisplacement.
Introduction to brake system
Structure and function of automobile brake system
A series of special devices used to make the outside world(mainly the road surface) exert certain force on some parts of thecar (mainly the wheels), so as to carry out a certain degree offorced braking on the car are collectively referred to as thebraking system. Its function is: to make the driving car decelerateor even stop according to the driver's requirements; to make thestopped car park stably under various road conditions (including onthe ramp); to keep the speed of the car running downhillstable.
主营产品 | 展览服务; 招展服务;综合类展会 | ||
经营范围 | 会务服务;展览展示服务 | ||
公司简介 | 汽车行业专业展;北京ispo展;服装展;家电展;墙面展;劳保展;礼品展;百货展;文具展;家纺展;环保清洁展;工博会;家居展;制药展;机床展;文化会;物业展;养老展;AMEE汽车底盘展;上海PTC;物流展;轴承齿轮传动展上海市隆橙营销策划中心,办公室地址位于中国大城市,魔都上海,上海闵行区,公司成立以来发展迅速,业务不断发展壮大我公司主要经营展会顾问,我们有好的产品和专业的销售和技术团队,我公司属于 ... |
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