2020-12-23 17:28 2次- 发布企业
- 上海市隆橙营销策划中心商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:上海隆橙营销策划中心组织机构代码:91310120MA1HRALA47
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 关键词
- 上海文化会,上海文具展,上海CSF报名处,第114届中国文化用品交易会
- 所在地
- 闵行区
- 联系电话
- 15121196695
- 手机
- 17269427257
- 经理
- 陈先生 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
欢迎访问:第114届中国文化用品商品交易会 简称“上海文化会”
Welcome to visit: the 114th China cultural goods Fair
Exhibition overview:
Since its establishment in 1953, China cultural goods Fair(hereinafter referred to as "CSF cultural fair") has successfullyheld 112 sessions of exhibitions and is the leading tradingplatform for cultural goods in the Asia Pacific region. With thechanges of the industry, the CSF culture fair is constantlychanging and innovating. It is held in Shanghai as scheduled inJune every year and recognized as an annual industry event by thecultural goods industry. CSF culture fair provides products andservices of the whole industrial chain of cultural consumerterminals, bringing together manufacturers, distributors,wholesalers, retailers and other professional groups. We arecommitted to building the exhibition as the preferred platform forenterprise brand promotion, new product release, marketdevelopment, cooperation and exchange. In June, we gathered at theCSF cultural conference to understand the industry's cutting-edgeinformation and understand the future development trend. In 2018,the scale of the 112th CSF cultural fair reached a new record, withan exhibition area of 46000 square meters, 936 exhibitors and 41000professional visitors. The 113th China cultural goods Fair will beheld in Shanghai New International Expo Center from June 12 to 14,2019. The exhibition will be hosted by gaobaiying Exhibition(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and supported by China department storebusiness association.
Exhibition advantages:
Stable customer base and database of tens of thousands ofbuyers, nearly 1000 domestic and foreign excellent cultural goodsmanufacturers
Electronic communication, social media, regional promotion,directional invitation and other multi-channel, all-roundservices
Global agent network helps international exhibitors and buyersto recruit
International Exhibition operation service system, one-stopservice
主营产品 | 展览服务; 招展服务;综合类展会 | ||
经营范围 | 会务服务;展览展示服务 | ||
公司简介 | 汽车行业专业展;北京ispo展;服装展;家电展;墙面展;劳保展;礼品展;百货展;文具展;家纺展;环保清洁展;工博会;家居展;制药展;机床展;文化会;物业展;养老展;AMEE汽车底盘展;上海PTC;物流展;轴承齿轮传动展上海市隆橙营销策划中心,办公室地址位于中国大城市,魔都上海,上海闵行区,公司成立以来发展迅速,业务不断发展壮大我公司主要经营展会顾问,我们有好的产品和专业的销售和技术团队,我公司属于 ... |
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