2025-01-09 07:00 2次- 发布企业
- 上海航欧机电设备有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第14年主体名称:上海航欧机电设备有限公司组织机构代码:91310120792764198K
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 关键词
- brusatori马达
- 所在地
- 上海市普陀区中江路388弄1号楼905室
- 联系电话
- 021-51085161
- 手机
- 13045641319
- 联系人
- 潘杰 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
- 请卖家联系我
Italiantechnology, since 1953 till today on.
Company Brusatoriwas born in 1953 as manufacturer of AC motors. As time goes bymarket demand urges Brusatori partners Giovanni and Carlo, as wellas brothers, with their sons, into developing the still up-to-dateDC motor. First the company creates a round cage series,self-ventilated and servo-ventilated, then the more efficientservo-ventilated motors with square cage. In the last few yearsindustrial automation requires more developments, so new series ofmotors are manufactured: DC permanent magnets motors, square cageAC motors suitable for inverter vector control and finallydifferent series of brushless motors till the carrying out of pitchcontrol systems designed for wind power towers. The considerablecompany flexibility allows to face many different markets andapplications. Today Brusatori S.r.l. supplies all known productionsectors as food companies, printing machines, machine tools andalso wind power sector, which is increasing more and more.Extremely short delivery times together with ISO, CE, ULcertifications allow the company to satisfy all market demands,maintaining very high qualitative standards with machines that werebuilt in the eighties and are still efficiently working. For anyinformation please contact us referring to telephone numbersindicated in the contact area. Our operators will be able to helpand advise you doing their best.
主要型号:BR 12 0,553
BR 14 0,871
BR 16 1,193
BR 22 1,160
BR 24 1,985
BR 26 2,415
BR 28 343
BR 51 221
BR 52 442
BR 53 5,467
BR 54 6,993
BR 55 8,224
BR 56 9,358
BR 57 10,482
BR 58 11,506
BR 71 5,8 22 8,1295
BR 72 11 75 15,448
成立日期 | 2006年09月08日 | ||
法定代表人 | 豆严超 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 经销产品供应的行业涉及冶金、钢铁、石化、能源、航天、集装箱码头、汽车、水利、造纸、电厂、纺织、注塑、橡胶、医疗、食品包装等。 | ||
经营范围 | 机电设备、机械设备、电器设备、办公设备、自动化设备、电子产品、电线电缆、五金交电、通讯器材 | ||
公司简介 | 上海航欧机电设备有限公司专业从事进口机电设备、仪器仪表等疑难备品备件的销售,是经营世界各地进口设备机电配件的现代化企业。上海航欧公司与众多知名品牌电子组件供应商建立有极其良好的合作关系,在欧美、日本等地形成了稳定、高效的供应网络,专业的询价渠道和多年的行业经验,更使我们在价格及货期上有优势。 ... |
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