I. Characteristics of PBT:
PBT is self - reinforcing
Thermal stability, heat resistance and chemical resistance,creep characteristics of most plastics, and excellent wearresistance and wear reduction
PBT has good weather and radiation resistance, excellent flameretardancy, and can extinguish the flame without further burning.Its combustion level reaches UL94V-0 level
PBT has excellent electrical insulation performance. Itsdielectric strength is higher than that of general engineeringplastics, and its arc resistance is good. Its electrical propertiesare not affected at the continuous service temperature of 200-300℃,and the intermittent service temperature can reach about 316℃.
PBT has outstanding corrosion resistance. PBT products will notbe corroded in the presence of 90% acid and 50% alkali. Forindustrial solvents, fuel oil, detergent and hot water, they willnot be dissolved after contact and will not cause stresscracking
Injection molding process of PBT
Due to the great difference between the modified performance andapplication level, and the great variation of processingtechnology, the following range should be adjusted accordingly
Drying: 140℃ ~ 140 ~ 150℃ / 5-7HR
Injection molding temperature: 260 ~ 300 ~ 410℃
Mold temperature: 100 ~ 100 ~ 240℃
Three PBT application
E&e is a major market for PBT: E&E surface assemblywelding technology requires high dimensional stability and heatresistance of materials (able to withstand gas phase and infraredwelding used in surface assembly technology)
PBT printed circuit boards, satellite electronic components, jetengine parts, automotive mechanical parts, medical
High filler or alloy (PSF/PBT/PA) added to PBT
PBT as integrated circuit packaging material
PBT instead of epoxy resin as the packaging material of coilskeleton
PBT is used as fiber optic cable connector sheath and highstrength element
PBT replaces ceramic as filling material in chemical separationtower
PBT replaces fiberglass reinforced polysulfone and otherplastics (external panels for space vehicles, external brakingsystems for cars)
PBT is a high temperature resistant and high performancematerial for electronic appliances such as connectors,straighteners, electric splints, perms, electric hairpins, splints,perms, etc.