Bonderite L-GP 318 is a resin-bondedpolytetrafluorethylene coating with excellent lubricating andnon-stick properties.As the carrier liquid is water, Bonderite 318can be applied in places where solvent based products cannot beused where ventilation is limited. Bonderite 318 coatings beingflexible can be applied on non-rigid materials such as plastics(e.g. gaskets) as well as rigid substrates such as metals.
Bonderite L-GP318是一种树脂粘结的聚四氟乙烯涂料,具有出色的润滑性和不粘性能。由于载液为水,Bonderite318可以用于不能使用溶剂型产品且通风受限的地方。 可以将柔性的Bonderite318涂层涂覆在非刚性材料上,例如塑料(例如垫圈)以及刚性基底上,例如金属。