Maxi-blast Maxi Clean MC 5硬质塑料颗粒喷砂清洗介质
产品:Hard Grade Granulated Plastic Blast Cleaning Media硬质塑料颗粒喷砂清洗介质
形状:Irregular 不规则
Maxi-blast Maxi CleanMC 5 approved under Mil-P-85891A Military specification for plastic blast cleaning media.
Maxi Clean MC5主要用于喷砂清洗钢和镀铬模具的表面。Cleans metal surfaces with noabrasion or effect on critical tolerances saving money on toolingexpense.对金属表面的清洗而不会对金属边缘有摩擦或者影响,减少工具耗费。
Lasts significantly longer than glass bead increasing the value ofyour investment.相比玻璃珠有明显的更持久的耐用性,凸显出您为之付出的价值。
Sharp,granular edges produce quick cleaning action in lesstime,saving money.锋利颗粒边缘可以让清洗更迅速更省钱。
Causes no abrasion to blast cabinet,nozzles,windows or fixtureseliminating the need for frequently replacing costlyparts.由于对喷砂机内腔,喷嘴和橱窗不会有磨损,减少了对昂贵的部件的更换,省了花费。