2021China Labor Protection Products Fair

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China Labor Protection Products Fair
Mr张鹏  请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多


2021 the 102th China Labor Protection Products Fair (100plusShanghai Labor Protection Products Fair)

"China's large-scale and authoritative labor insuranceexhibition, the Ministry of Commerce strongly supports theexhibition"

◆Exhibition date: April 14-16, 2021

◆Exhibition location: Shanghai New International Expo Center

◆Exhibition period: twice a year

◆Organizer: China Textile Business Association

◆Organizer: Textile Union (Beijing) Exhibition Co., Ltd. CIOSHAsia Co.,Ltd

◆Exhibition area: 80,000 square meters

◆Estimated audience: 100000 people

◆2021 Shanghai Labor Insurance Exhibition-Booth reservation:Zhang Peng

◆【Exhibition Introduction】:

"China Labor Protection Products Fair" started in the 1960s andhas been successfully held for 100 sessions. With the reformprocess in China, the "China Labor Protection Products Fair" hasundergone the evolution from the planned economy era to the marketeconomy era, and completed a transition from the original ChineseMinistry of Commerce to the China Textile Business Association.China Labor Protection Products Fair is organized by China TextileCirculation (Beijing) Exhibition Co., Ltd.

The 100th Plus Labor Insurance will continue to fully open thelayout of the branch halls according to the categories of exhibits,creating a convenient, fast and comfortable environment forvisitors to find products.

E1: Foot and hand protective equipment, safety productionhall

E2: Hand and foot protection products, safety productionhall

E3: Head, eye, face and respiratory protection equipment,epidemic prevention material hall

E4: Full range, fire fighting equipment, emergency rescue andsupporting security hall

E5: Occupational clothing and raw materials, fall protectionequipment hall

E6: Professional clothing and raw materials, productdemonstration and functional areas

E7: Comprehensive hall of personal safety protection equipmentand epidemic prevention materials

The audience can enter the hall from the south hall and easthall at the same time.

The area planning of each museum includes: 126, 90, 72, 54, 36,27, 18, 12, 9, 6 square meters.

Average booth price: 1800 yuan/square meter (double opening),1600 yuan/square meter (single opening).

Related benefits: Vice-chairman unit: 12% off; standing directorunit: 90% off; director unit: 9% off; member unit: 5% off. Thebooth area of 126 square meters is 8.2% off, 90 square meters is15% off; 54 square meters is 12% off; 36 square meters is 90%off.

◆【Scope of Exhibits】

Personal protective equipment (protective equipment for head,eyes, face, feet and hands, protective clothing, fall preventionequipment, respiratory protective equipment, water rescueequipment, etc.)

Occupational clothing and materials (flame retardant,anti-static, water and oil repellent, tooling, etc.)

Safety production equipment (traffic safety productionequipment, miner safety equipment, oil worker safety productionequipment, mechanical safety production protection devices,construction safety equipment, power safety protection equipment,safety inspection and monitoring equipment, emergency rescueequipment, fire fighting equipment, etc.)

Safety production monitoring instrument (radiation andmicrowave, static electricity, noise, dust, poison and othermonitoring instruments)

Safety production technology consulting training, laborprotection technology exchange lectures, industry media, assessmentand certification agencies, etc.

Labor protection products exhibition, personal protectiveequipment exhibition, industrial safety exhibition, American laborinsurance exhibition, American industrial products exhibition,American safety protection exhibition, labor insurance exhibition,Qingdao labor insurance exhibition, Qingdao labor insurancemeeting, labor insurance meeting, labor insurance trade fair, laborinsurance products fair , China Labor Insurance Exhibition, ChinaLabor Protection Exhibition, Occupational Clothing Exhibition,Occupational Clothing Material Exhibition, Safety ProductionMonitoring Instrument Exhibition, Safety Production EquipmentExhibition, Security Technology Exhibition, Security Exhibition,Labor Protection Technology Exhibition, Labor Skills Exhibition,Safety Protection Exhibition, Labor Insurance Shoes Exhibition,Labor Insurance Products Exhibition, Electrostatic Shoes andClothing Exhibition, Monitoring Instrument Exhibition, LaborInsurance Clothing Exhibition, Labor Insurance Shoes Exhibition,Labor Insurance Clothing Exhibition, Labor Insurance WorkwearExhibition, Qingdao Labor Insurance Clothing Exhibition, QingdaoLabor Insurance Shoes Exhibition, Qingdao Labor Insurance ClothingExhibition, Qingdao Labor Insurance Work clothes exhibition,

Standard booth configuration: one negotiation table, two chairs,two spotlights, one 220V power socket, one Chinese corporate fasciaboard (English provided by exhibitors). The special booth is openspace and does not contain the above basic equipment.

Booth price

Participation process: For exhibition registration applicationform, booth map, advertising location and price, and details ofprevious exhibitions, please call for consultation in time.

Exhibition contact:

Contact: Zhang Peng

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