What are the requirements for registering a company name?
The enterprise name shall not contain any of the followingwords:
1. Injurious to the national and social public interests;
2. Possible deception or misunderstanding to the public;
3. Names of foreign countries (regions) and internationalorganizations;
4. Names of political parties, military organs, massorganizations, social organizations and their designations;
5. Foreign characters, Chinese pinyin letters, Arabicnumerals;
6. It is prohibited by other laws and administrativeregulations.
Second, the enterprise name should be in accordance with thenational standards of Chinese characters.
Third, the name of an enterprise as a legal person shall notcontain the name of any other legal person, except as otherwisestipulated by the State Administration for Industry andCommerce.
Fourth, the enterprise name shall not contain another enterprisename. The name of a branch of an enterprise shall be preceded bythe name of the enterprise to which it belongs.
Fifth, the business license of the enterprise is only allowed toindicate the name of the enterprise.
Sixth, the enterprise name shall not be approved under any ofthe following circumstances:
1. It is the same as the name and name of an enterprise in thesame trade approved or registered by the same administrativedepartment for industry and commerce, unless it has investmentrelationship;
2. It is the same as the original name of other enterpriseswhose name has been changed for less than one year;
3. It is the same as the enterprise name whose registration hasbeen cancelled or whose business license has been revoked for lessthan 3 years;
4. Other violations of laws and administrative regulations;
Seventh, if an enterprise name needs to be translated into aforeign language, the enterprise shall translate and use it byitself in accordance with the principle of translation, and it doesnot need to report to the administrative department for industryand commerce for approval and registration.