热固化石墨润滑涂层,耐高温 PT-24G is a Graphite pigment in a multi-polymer bakecure resin binder. This product contains laminar solids and softmetals. The soft metals are employed to improve wearcharacteristics under certain conditions that are largelydetermined by electrical and thermal conductivity. PT-24G has beenproven to be the product for high temperature and high speed dryfilm lubrication. This dry film lubricant is intended to be appliedto equipment such as but not limited to steel, aluminum, magnesium,clutches, gears, shafts and other mechanical parts which functionunder extreme weathering and/or operating conditions.
SPECIAL USES In extreme temperature environments. In case wheredust harms the operation of equipment. Under exposure to liquidswhich leach out oils or grease. In the processing of materials thatmay be contaminated. In cases where retention of liquid lubricationis difficult. In cases requiring operation following long storageperiods.