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TURMOXYGEN LCO 27 是一种通过 NSF-H1 认证的氧气系统润滑剂
TURMOXYGEN LCO 27 已经过 BAM 测试,可用于配件和其他带有气态和液态氧的系统。 BAM是柏林的联邦材料研究与测试研究所。
本产品专为抗氧而开发,并已通过 BAM(联邦材料研究与测试研究所)的测试。TURMOXYGEN LCO 27 is alubricant for oxygen systems with NSF-H1 approval
TURMOXYGEN LCO 27 has been tested by BAM for use in fittings andother systems with gaseous and liquid oxygen. BAM is the FederalInstitute for Materials Research and Testing in Berlin.
This product has been specially developed for resistance to oxygenand has been tested by the BAM (Federal Institute for MaterialsResearch and Testing).
In addition, the grease is NSF / H1 registered and suitable for usein the food industry.
The oxygen pressure surge limit at an operating temperature of upto 60 ° C is 450 bar. The product has a temperature range from -40° C to +260 ° C.
The grease is used for lubrication of fittings and packings in theautomotive industry, on oxygen devices in the medical sector and ondiving stations.
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