2025-01-09 09:01 1次- 发布企业
- 上海博华国际展览有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第8年主体名称:上海励科展览有限公司组织机构代码:91310120350726493J
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 关键词
- 自助展,自助售货机展会,
- 所在地
- 上海市嘉定工业区叶城路912号J6686室(注册地址)
- 联系电话
- 13671856722
- 手机
- 13661406349
- 联系人
- 吴妮娜 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
- 请卖家联系我
- 13671856722
Point Smart is a leading company focused on AIoT(AI+IoT) anddevotes to the revolution of UEPS(Universal Electronic PaymentSysetm). It is also listed among the key investment projects ofBlack Hole Capital Group. Based on its core breakthrough in AIoT,Point Smart has integrated advanced technologies including computervision recognition, gravity sensing,pedestrian trajectory trackingand smart payment, in order to set up new product lines for bothhardware and software. Both lines of products are developedindependently by Point Smart with all intellectual property rightscompletely owned. The technologies that Point Smart has developedare already powering commercial business spanning acrossconvenience stores, bakeries, fast-food restaurants, bookstores andspecialty retail stores all over China.
The company is specialized in the production of the followingproducts: Vending machine gear motor series, (use for spiralvending machine and conveyor belt vending machine). Vending machinespirals series, coffee machine gear motor series, planetary gearmotor series, flat gear motor series, etc. With a strong technicalforce, the company has a group of rich theoretical and practicalpersonnel experienced in product development, production andtesting and a number of relevant professional engineers. Ourengineers are involve in all phases of product development andoptimal designing is a guarantee for all products performance. Thecompany has advanced production and detection equipments and hasdeveloped a corresponding special comprehensive performance testingfor a variety of different circuit board. In mass production, suchperformance testing devices guarantee effective and efficientassurance of the quality of the final product, stable and reliable.Our products are of rarefied materials, low power consumption, lownoise, high output torque, high strength gear and gears areunbreakable when gear motor stall. General Gear motor maximumoutput torque is at least 40% higher and longer life span thansimilar products currently on the market. More to that, we havedifferent customized high-torque gear motors for customers specialrequirements. We also can customize products development andproduction base on user‘s needs. Regarding spirals, we also provideprofessional matching supply.
成立日期 | 2015年08月20日 | ||
法定代表人 | 张函 | ||
注册资本 | 200 | ||
主营产品 | 展览展示服务 展览会招展 展览会承办 | ||
经营范围 | 展览展示服务,会务服务,商务信息咨询,文化艺术交流策划,设计、制作各类广告,企业形象策划,舞台艺术造型策划,灯光设计。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | 上海博华国际展览有限公司,是总部位于伦敦的上市公司UBM集团在中国的分支机构,由上海华展国际展览有限公司和博闻亚洲有限公司联合组建的中外合资企业。上海博华目前每年主办四大主题系列展包括HOTELEX上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会、HOTELEX成都国际酒店及餐饮业博览会、HOTELEX深圳国际酒店及餐饮业博览会、FHC上海食品饮料及餐饮设备展世界食品广州展广州国际连说加盟展广州国际食品食材展上海4月份 ... |
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