博华广场 租金
更新:2023-11-17 09:10 编号:15445794 发布IP: 浏览:47次- 发布企业
- 上海毕黎斯房地产经纪事务所(有限合伙)商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:上海毕黎斯房地产经纪事务所(有限合伙)组织机构代码:91310230MA1K0P7W1W
- 报价
- 人民币¥15.00元每平方每天
- 物业费
- 49.5元每平方米每月
- 地址
- 新闸路655号
- 地铁
- 13号线自然博物馆站
- 关键词
- 博华广场 租金
- 所在地
- 上海市
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- 18616199007
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One Museum Place is a great example of a sustainable,high-performance building that’s also highly focused on customerservice and efficient operations, which benefits tenants, ownersand the environment alike.
房地产高峰会 佳绿色发展奖
近期竣工的博华广场以其坚实而创新的设计和可持续发展特色,在上海众多商务楼中独树一帜,并在2019年度的MIPIMAsia房地产高峰会上荣获“佳绿色发展奖(Best Green Development )”。
MIPIM Best 2019 Green Development
The project, which is distinguishing itself in the Shanghaimarket with a combination of robust, innovative design andsustainability features— has been recently awarded the Best GreenDevelopment at the 2019 MIPIM Asia wards.
Design Process
Despite a complex, ever-increasing series of project limitationsand a dramatically truncated timeline, Gensler designed ahigh-performing, LEED Platinum tower that enhances the health andwell-being of its occupants while adding to the rich urban fabricof the surrounding district.
The client came to Gensler asking to completely redesign theproject and revitalize the existing substructure into a Grade Aoffice and retail development in less than 150 days — all withinthe original schedule, and without stopping construction.
To be granted planning and building code permissions, Genslermet stringent requirements regarding the façade's reflectivity, aswell as the tower's distance between neighboring residentialvolumes. Further complicating things, a new underground train linewould have to be accommodated in any revised design.
A sustainable approach
One Museum Place is built to the highest internationalspecifications of quality and sustainability with features such asthree-meter clear ceiling heights and superior elevator service.Additionally, sustainable features and programs include ahigh-performance façade designed to mitigate solar heat gains andreduce glare, a basement ice storage system that mitigates peakenergy costs and ensures a cost-effective and sustainable approach,the building is also the first commercial project to receive RESET™Air pre-certification status. Using a state-of-the-art, continuousindoor air quality monitoring and management system, the air insideis the cleanest air commercially available in Shanghai, among thebest in China and it rivals that of any building worldwide.
The precisely monitored and controlled temperature, humidity andfiltration systems also feature a germicidal system featuring UVLights, advanced PM2.5 indoor air quality monitoring system, and afull-time indoor air quality manager on-site. One Museum Placeis also one of the first LEED® Platinum office towers in the city.While still under construction, One Museum Place received Platinumpre-certification under the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC)LEED for Core & Shell (CS) rating system—the first major project inthe city to have achieved this.
Through an integrated design approach and a collaborative effortbetween offices and our engineering partners, Gensler’s design metand exceeded the client’s goals, overcoming all projectchallenges.
成立日期 | 2018年04月16日 | ||
法定代表人 | 朱佳维 | ||
注册资本 | 50 | ||
主营产品 | 共享办公,联合办公租赁,写字楼租赁,上海办公室出租,上海写字楼 | ||
经营范围 | 房地产经纪,企业管理咨询,商务信息咨询,房地产咨询,市场营销策划,展览展示服务,会务服务,计算机、网络科技领域内的技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询和技术服务,建筑专业设计,建筑装饰装修工程及设计。 【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | BlissOffice是由商务中心运营和写字楼租赁的专业人士联合创立,专注于上海中高端写字楼与共享办公的租赁服务,免费提供办公租赁咨询、房源推荐、现场带看、协助签约、入住协调等全方位服务,为您找到最合适的办公场所。BlissOffice的专业顾问团队均曾服务于上海的商务中心招商运营或写字楼租赁代理行业,清楚全面掌握市场情况,根据您公司的实际需求提供专业的租赁建议,同时具有良好的职业操守。 ... |
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- 上海博华广场 写字楼15.00元/平方每天
物业费:49.5元每平方米每月 - 仲益大厦 写字楼6.50元/平方每天
物业费:33元每平方米每月 - 仲益大厦 租金4.00元/平方每天
物业费:33元每平方米每月 - 仲益大厦 南证大厦4.00元/平方每天
物业费:33元每平方米每月 - 上海仲益大厦 租金7.00元/平方每天
物业费:33元每平方米每月 - 博华广场 商务中心3,000.00元/平方每天
工位:1至50人办公室 - 博华广场 办公楼13.00元/平方每天
物业费:49.5元每平方米每月 - 上海 仙乐斯广场6.50元/平方每天
物业费:30.5元每平方米每月 - 仙乐斯广场 租金6.50元/平方每天
物业费:38.16元每平方米每月 - 仙乐斯广场 写字楼6.50元/平方每天