俄罗斯TR CU 010 Machinery更新强制认证清单
2025-01-08 08:40 3次- 发布企业
- 上海茜测认证服务有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:上海茜测认证服务有限公司组织机构代码:91310113MAD77N1L6K
- 报价
- 人民币¥10000.00元每件
- 所在地
- 上海市蕰川路512号红石科技大楼6D/9F
- 联系电话
- 021-66032575
- 手机
- 18601655499
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自 2022 年 1 月 1 日起,根据 TR CU010/2011“关于机械和设备的安全性”进行认证或声明的设备清单在新版本中生效。
EEC 委员会于 2021 年 11 月 23 日第 151 号决定批准了对设备清单的更改。由于需要根据新版 HS 代码命名法引入HS 代码,更新了该清单。将于 2022 年 1 月 1 日生效。更新后的清单本身也从新年开始生效。
用于车辆和拖车的车库设备Garage equipment for vehicles and trailers
用于剥离和清洁工作以及矿山工作支持的设备Equipment for stripping and cleaning works andmine workings support
竖井提升机和矿山运输设备Shaft lift and mine transport equipment
化工和石油和天然气加工设备Chemical and oil and gas processing equipment
气体净化和除尘设备Gas cleaning and dust collection equipment
造纸设备Paper-making equipment
将油漆和清漆涂层应用于机械工程产品的技术设备和装置Technological equipment and apparatus forapplying paint and varnish coatings to mechanical engineeringproducts
工业拖拉机Industrial tractors
伐木、木材堆场和木材漂浮的技术设备Technological equipment for logging, timber yardand timber floating
泥炭工业的技术设备Technological equipment for the peat industry
空气加热器和空气冷却器Air heaters and air coolers
玻璃、瓷器、陶器和电缆工业的技术设备Technological equipment for the glass, porcelain,earthenware and cable industries
TR CU 010Machinery
The strengthening economic relations is directly linked to trade.But delivery of goods to the countries of the Customs Unioninvolves a long phase of document preparation.
Whymight this be relevant to you?
The supplied equipment should comply with the requirements of theTechnical Regulation of the Customs Union (TR CU 010/2011) ''Onsafety of machinery and equipment''. Certificates are divided intotwo groups.
The first type of certificate is issued for a single delivery.Certificates of the second type are issued for mass production.
Thelist of products subject to TR CU 010/2011 includes:
Thefollowing products fall into the exceptions of TR CU010/2011:
Telecom equipment;
Medical devices;
Aviation and military equipment;
Drilling platforms (drilling rigs), sea, river, railway,agricultural, wheeled vehicles and others.
Basicdocuments required for EAC certificates:
Application (completed by us, verified by Localrepresentative);
Articles of incorporation of the Local representative (CUresident) (State Registration Certificate, Tax RegistrationCertificate, Charter). If we act as the Local representative, theseare WWG documents;
Copy of the valid contract with Local representative (CUresident) with the Liability Clause (prepare by us, verified by themanufacturer and the Local representative). If we are the Localrepresentative, then we prepare and verify it by ourselves and themanufacturer;
Technical description for all declared products;
Safety justification (we can help and elaborate it);
Test reports on the equipment issued by the manufacturer, aperson authorized by the manufacturer and/or an accredited testinglaboratory (if available);
Sample may be required;
ISO 9001:2008 (if available)
Often, products subject to TR CU 010/2011, also require compliancewith TR CU 004/2011 LVD and TR 020/2011 EMC. All these TR CU's maybe combined in one document.
Do not forget that EAC Certificates can be issued to the applicantwho is a legal entity with the registration of the Customs Union.We can assist you in this as well.
The list of necessary documents required for certification mayinclude the elaboration of Safety Justification, Operation manuals,Technical passport etc. We can always assist with this.
There are special requirements for EAC certified products regardingEAC marking.
Howlong does it take to issue certificates?
The execution period is 10-20 working days.
The maximum validity is 5 years.
To receive information related to your product, please send us thefollowing details to inquiry@wwg.eu.com:
Product name
HS code
Technical data
注册资本 | 1000 | ||
主营产品 | 巴西NR10认证,NR12认证,NR13认证,NR37认证,俄罗斯NAKS认证,德国蓝色天使认证,CE认证,DOSH认证 | ||
经营范围 | 巴西NR13认证NR12认证 | ||
公司简介 | SICE茜测国际认证检测中心(SICECertification&InspectionService)是中国的产品认证和检测服务机构。认证检测内容有:巴西NR6认证、NR10认证、NR12认证、NR13认证、NR17认证、NR26认证、NR37认证、ANATEL认证、INMTRO认证;俄罗斯海关联盟认证EAC认证,NAKS认证(俄罗斯焊工认证、焊接工艺评定认证、焊机焊材认证、无损检测人员资 ... |
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