SINAMICSStartdrive commissioning tool |
6SL3072-4AA02-0XL8 SINAMICS Startdrive Advanced 手机软件*新服务(SUS) DVD 用以 TIA 博途;在这个合同书框架内 你在一年内会得到全部 较新软件版本。 合同书全自动增加 增加 1 年,使用 在到期后 3 个月 解除合同。交货务时长: 从付款日起 1 年之内。 签署必要条件: 有着较新版本手机软件 |
SINAMICS Startdrive is integrated in the TIA Portal and is a toolfor the configuration, commissioning and diagnostics of theSINAMICS family of converters.
The SINAMICS Startdrive commissioning tool has been optimized withregard to user friendliness and consistent use of the TIA Portalbenefits of a common working environment for PLC, HMI and drives.Time-saving and guided step-by-step commissioning with maximumflexibility is complemented by user-friendly graphic function viewsfor all drive functions, including functional safety (SafetyIntegrated) and drive-based technology functions (e.g. EPos). Theautomatic message display, the powerful real-time trace and thecontext-sensitive online help make converter diagnostics veryeasy.
The software packages based on the TIA Portal are harmonized witheach other and offer important benefits, the main advantage being ashared project storage. The TIA Portal enables simple integrationof SINAMICS converters in your automation solution. Thanks to thestandardization of operator actions and the integration in generalTIA Portal operating concepts (e.g. UMAC, Openness) as well asstandard TIA Portal functions (e.g. Undo/Redo), familiarization iseasy both for drive experts as well as SIMATIC users. Special focusis placed on the interaction between SIMATIC and SINAMICS,especially when connecting the SINAMICS drives to SIMATICtechnology objects.