One CableConnection (OCC) technology for SINAMICS S210 |
Motor and converter are simply connected to one another by onecable instead of the usual two or three cables. With this One CableTechnology, energy supply, encoder signals and brake control arebrought together in a single cable. This results in the followingadvantages:
Time-saving by laying only one cable
Smaller installation space and space requirement in cablecollars
Only one cable has to be cleaned. This is advantageous, e.g. in thepharmaceutical industry and where higher requirements are placedupon hygiene
Can be ordered to the decimeter
Compact connection system
Rotatable connectors on the motor side
Motor with very low interfering contour for restricted installationspace
Bending radius optimized to 2.5 × cable diameter staticor 4 × cable diameter dynamic forMOTION-CONNECT 800PLUS