2025-01-10 08:00 1次- 发布企业
- 上海博华国际展览有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第11年主体名称:上海博华国际展览有限公司组织机构代码:91310115607392004G
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- 关键词
- 上海国际餐饮设备展览会,上海酒店餐饮展览会,2024中国餐饮设备展会
- 所在地
- 上海市徐汇区虹桥路355号城开国际大厦7-8楼
- 联系电话
- 13524187672
- 全国服务热线
- 13651828941
- 联系人
- 王悦(经理) 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
This article aims to provide a detailed description of theinformation and advantages from various perspectives of the 2024Shanghai International Catering Equipment Exhibition (the 32ndShanghai HOTELEX Hotel Catering Exhibition), in order to guidecustomers to participate and purchase related products. ShanghaiBohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd., as the organizer, willprovide a platform for exhibitors and visitors to exchange andcooperate.
1. Exhibition Overview
The 2024 Shanghai International Catering Equipment Exhibition(hereinafter referred to as the "Exhibition") will be held from Xmonth X to X month X day in 2024 at the Shanghai World ExpoExhibition Hall. This exhibition is the 32nd Shanghai HOTELEX Hoteland Catering Exhibition, a grand event in China's cateringequipment industry, as well as an exhibition related to hotels,catering, baking and other industries. The exhibition has a grandscale and attracted the participation of many well-known brands andprofessional buyers both domestically and internationally.
2. Main Exhibition Content
2.1 Catering Equipment: The exhibition will focus on showcasingvarious types of catering equipment, including kitchen equipment,refrigeration equipment, ovens, stoves, knives, etc. These devicesadopt the most advanced technology and design, which can meet thedifferent needs of the catering industry.
2.2 Hotel Supplies: The exhibition will also showcase varioushotel supplies, such as bedding, bathroom supplies, tableware,beverage utensils, etc. These products are renowned in the hotelindustry for their high quality and innovative design.
2.3 Baking Equipment: For the baking industry, the exhibitionwill provide various baking equipment, such as toasters, ovens,pastry machines, etc. Exhibitors will showcase their latesttechnologies and products, as well as a series of baking technologyexchange and demonstration activities.
2.4 Catering Accessories and Ingredients: The exhibition willalso showcase various accessories and ingredients related tocatering equipment and the hotel industry, such as tableware,kitchenware, seasonings, edible oils, etc. These accessories andingredients can improve the quality and efficiency of the cateringbusiness.
3. Exhibition advantages
3.1 Industry Influence: As a grand event in China's cateringequipment industry, the exhibition has a high industry influenceand popularity. Exhibitors have the opportunity to haveface-to-face communication with well-known companies andprofessional buyers in the industry to expand businesscooperation.
3.2 Broad Audience Group: The exhibition attracts professionalvisitors from all over the world, including hotel owners, cateringindustry operators, chefs, logistics providers, etc. These visitorscome from different regions and industries, providing exhibitorswith a wide range of business cooperation opportunities.
3.3 Latest Technologies and Products: The exhibition bringstogether many well-known domestic and foreign brands, who willshowcase the latest technologies and products, providing exhibitorsand visitors with a platform to understand market trends and thelatest developments in the industry.
3.4 Professional forums and activities: During the exhibition, aseries of professional forums and activities will be held,including industry trend lectures, new product launches, technicalexchange meetings, etc. These activities will provide exhibitorsand visitors with an opportunity to learn and exchange ideas witheach other.
4. Exhibitions and Visitor Registration
Exhibitors and visitors can participate and register onlinethrough the official website of Shanghai Bohua InternationalExhibition Co., Ltd. During the exhibition, exhibitors and visitorswill receive a series of professional services, including boothlayout, exhibit installation, and business reception
1. 展会概述
2. 主要参展内容
3. 展览会优势
4. 参展和观众注册
成立日期 | 1998年04月20日 | ||
注册资本 | 20 | ||
主营产品 | 展览展示服务,展会招商服务,展览策划服务 | ||
经营范围 | 组织、举办、经营各类国际和国内展览、展示、会议,提供相关业务及咨询服务,网页的设计、开发,商务信息咨询。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | 是国内领先的商贸展会,会议活动和B2B在线贸易采购平台的主办机构,是于伦敦股票交易所上市的博闻集团(UBMplc)在中国的中外合作企业,由上海华展国际展览有限公司和博闻亚洲有限公司在1998年联合组建而成。公司旗下展会涉及家具系列展35万平方米;医药、健康系列展22万平方米,食品加工、包装及食品系列展50万平方米;酒店、商业空间、游艇系列展20万平方米,其在各地的区域展包括广东中山古镇灯博会,北京 ... |
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