2025-01-10 08:00 1次- 发布企业
- 上海博华国际展览有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第11年主体名称:上海博华国际展览有限公司组织机构代码:91310115607392004G
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 关键词
- 亚洲大型酒店用品展,中国大型酒店用品展,上海3月酒店用品展览会
- 所在地
- 上海市徐汇区虹桥路355号城开国际大厦7-8楼
- 联系电话
- 13524187672
- 全国服务热线
- 13651828941
- 联系人
- 王悦(经理) 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
Welcome to the 32nd China HOTELEX Hotel Supplies Exhibition inShanghai, 2024! This exhibition is hosted by Shanghai BohuaInternational Exhibition Co., Ltd. and is a grand event of theChina Hotel Supplies Exhibition.
The HOTELEX Hotel Supplies Exhibition is one of the top eventsin the Chinese hotel industry, bringing together numerouswell-known domestic and foreign brands and professional buyers. Asa professional exhibition and exchange platform, this exhibitioncovers various aspects of hotel supplies, equipment, technology,and services, providing the most comprehensive and cutting-edgeproducts and solutions for the hotel industry.
This year's Hotel Supplies Exhibition will be held in Shanghaiin 2024, bringing you a brand new purchasing experience. Thefollowing is detailed information about the exhibition:
Exhibition Name: Shanghai 2024 China HOTELEX 32nd HOTELEX HotelSupplies Exhibition
Exhibition time: March 27th to 30th, 2024
Exhibition location: Shanghai National Convention and ExhibitionCenter
Exhibition scale: It is expected to have an exhibition area ofover 400000 square meters, attracting enterprises from mostcountries and regions to participate
This exhibition will provide you with multiple purchasingoptions from different perspectives:
Hotel Supplies: We will showcase the latest hotel supplies,including bedding, cleaning supplies, bathroom supplies, roomdecorations, etc. These supplies are made of the most advancedmaterials and designs, meeting the high-quality standards of thehotel industry.
Equipment and Technology: You will have the opportunity topersonally experience the latest hotel equipment and technology,including kitchen equipment, catering equipment, intelligentsystems, etc. These devices and technologies will provide yourhotel with more efficient and convenient operating methods.
Services and Solutions: The exhibition will also showcasevarious hotel related services and solutions, including logisticsservices, management software, training institutions, etc. Theseservices and solutions will help you solve various problems inhotel operations and enhance your competitiveness.
In addition to the above content, this exhibition will also holdmultiple professional forums and activities, providing you withmore industry insights and exchange opportunities. You can havein-depth discussions with industry experts and peers, shareexperiences, and learn about the latest industry trends.
Whether you are a hotel owner, manager, or supplier, thisexhibition will be an opportunity that you cannot miss. Pleasereserve the exhibition time and look forward to the rich exhibitsand exciting activities we will present to you.
If you need more exhibition information or make an appointmentto visit in advance, please visit our official website. We lookforward to meeting you at the 32nd China HOTELEX Hotel SuppliesExhibition in Shanghai in 2024!
成立日期 | 1998年04月20日 | ||
注册资本 | 20 | ||
主营产品 | 展览展示服务,展会招商服务,展览策划服务 | ||
经营范围 | 组织、举办、经营各类国际和国内展览、展示、会议,提供相关业务及咨询服务,网页的设计、开发,商务信息咨询。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | 是国内领先的商贸展会,会议活动和B2B在线贸易采购平台的主办机构,是于伦敦股票交易所上市的博闻集团(UBMplc)在中国的中外合作企业,由上海华展国际展览有限公司和博闻亚洲有限公司在1998年联合组建而成。公司旗下展会涉及家具系列展35万平方米;医药、健康系列展22万平方米,食品加工、包装及食品系列展50万平方米;酒店、商业空间、游艇系列展20万平方米,其在各地的区域展包括广东中山古镇灯博会,北京 ... |
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