EAD 090019-00-0404 Kits for ventilated external wallcladdings of lightweight boards on subframe with rendering appliedin situ with or without thermal insulation轻质板通风外墙包层套件,带或不带隔热层的现场抹灰
外墙覆层系统欧盟ETA认证适用于标准:EAD 090019-00-0404
Descriptionof the construction product
ThisEAD is applicable to the kits1 for vertical exterior wall claddingsconsisting of external cladding elements, which are mechanicallyfastened by cladding fixing devices to a metallic (galvanizedsteel, stainless steel or aluminium alloy) or wooden subframe,associated joint materials and subframe fixing devices, renderingsystem and optionally: thermal insulation and a flexible sheet forwaterproofing. The cladding elements are covered subsequently by arendering system including reinforcement mesh (glass fibre mesh).This kit is fixed to external walls of buildings. Between thecladding element and the thermal insulation or external wall, thereis a ventilated air gap, which shall always be drained.
Thekit consists of the following components from the rendering systemto the substrate:
·Renderingsystem is composed of base coat (organic and cement based) withreinforcement (glass fibre mesh) and render coating. The rendercoating is composed of:
·keycoat - organic or organic/ silicate based,
·finishingcoat - organic, organic silicate or cement based,
·decorativecoat - acrylic or acrylic/siloxane based, as option.
Underthe CPR, harmonised technical specifications are harmonisedEuropean product standards (hENs) established by CEN/CENELEC2 orEuropean Assessment Documents (EADs) produced by theEuropean
EuropeanOrganisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA) as the basis forissuing ETAs for products not covered by hENs.The harmonisedtechnical specification for a product defines EEA-wide methods ofassessing and declaring