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SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE drive system, PDC Drives, PDC100, PDC100F,PDC600, PDC600F, PDC1000 V1 variants

Drive controller modules for ET200SP
SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE F-TM StepDrive ST, ServoDrive HF undServoDrive ST

First-class drive system in the protective extra-low voltagerange

The requirements for motion control tasks in automation are everincreasing and are becoming more and more multi-faceted andcomplex. Digitalization is bringing about new solution approaches,regardless of the industry or application.

Fit for digitalization with SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE

The SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE drive system allows you to make a perfectentry into the world of digitalization. Thanks to TotallyIntegrated Automation (TIA), converters and motors are completelyintegrated into the Siemens automation environment and can beeasily selected using the TIA Selection Tool and configured usingthe TIA Portal. A wide range of tools for the complete machinebuilding cycle ensures efficient engineering and fastcommissioning. Machine data is made available through MindSphere,the cloud-based, open IoT operating system from Siemens.

Well designed, flexible and fit for the future

SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE is an extremely versatile, seamless andsafety-oriented drive system that covers a wide range ofapplications in the protective extra-low voltage range.

It comprises the SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE PDC Drives and TM Drives, aswell as versatile EC motors and plug-in cables. The rightcontrollers from the SIMATIC portfolio from Siemens optimally roundout the motion control functions of this future-proof solution.

The F-TM StepDrive ST completes the portfolio within the range ofcontrolling stepper motors.

In combination with EC Motors and stepper motors up to 280 Wthe F-TM ServoDrive HF allows positioning and speed control in veryconfined spaces. The triple overload capability and the support ofBiSS-C Multiturn encoders extend the scope of applications.

Can be combined with motors and plug-in cables from selectedSiemens Product Partners

To ensure that all of the requirements in drive technology are metin the best way possible, the SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE drive system iscompatible with individual and supplementary motors (Dunkermotoren,ebm-papst) and plug-in cables (Harting, KnorrTec) fromwell-established Siemens Product Partners. This allows an optimalcombination of suitable products from proven product partners forthe individual application.

Strong in classic and innovative applications

SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE is the ideal drive in numerous applicationareas. The system stands out when executing positioning tasks inproduction and manufacturing as well as in innovative applicationdomains. Examples include drives for storage and retrieval machineshuttles and high bay racking systems, driverless transport systemsas well as medical applications such as safely and reliably movingMRT examination tables and automatically aligning ceiling-mounteddevices in radiographic applications.

For all applications


Energy-efficient and rugged solutions for basic conveyor technologywith roller or chain conveyors, for hoisting gear andelevators – as well as for storage and retrievalmachines – and always with Safety Integrated on board.


Ideal solution for continuous processes with simple speed andtorque accuracy, for example with extruders, centrifuges, agitatorsan all types of production machines – motion control,isochronous communication (only for SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE PDC Drives)and Safety Integrated.


SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE is the solution for24/48 V DC applications: The positioning ofindividual axes and even the coordinated interpolation of severalaxes – such as in complex robotic applications – can be achievedeasily.

Simple commissioning of SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE PDC Drives through OneButton Tuning and TIA Portal (V15 SP1 or higher)

Commissioning and engineering are possible with TIA Portal (V15 SP1or higher). The tool for configuration, commissioning anddiagnostics has been optimized with regard to the consistentutilization of the TIA Portal advantages – one shared workenvironment for PLC, HMI and drives.

For more information, see the Engineering tools section.

Safety Integrated

The integrated safety functions provide highly effective,application-oriented protection for personnel and machinery (termsas defined in IEC 61800-5-2).

The following Safety Integrated functions are included (not all ofthe functions are included in all of the drive controllers):

  • Safe Torque Off (STO) 1)

  • Safe Stop 1 (SS1, only for failsafe variants, e.g. PDC100F)

  • Safely-Limited Speed (SLS, only for failsafe variants, e.g.PDC100F)

  • Safely-Limited Torque (SLT, only for PDC100F)
    Monitoring of motor current and torque during operation by means ofsafely-limited torque

  • Safe Speed Monitor (SSM, only for failsafe variants, e.g.PDC100F)

The Safety Integrated functions are implemented electronically andtherefore require no additional installation effort or space in thecontrol cabinet. Furthermore, the costs are considerably lower thanfor externally implemented monitoring functions.

The Safety Integrated functions can be easily put into operationvia the TIA Portal (V15 SP1 or higher) and activation through aSIMATIC controller via PROFIsafe.

1) Does not apply for PDC1000 V1

Perfect combination with SIMATIC S7-1500, SIMATIC S7-1500 T-CPU,SIMATIC ET 200SP Open Controller via PROFINET or SIMATICET 200SP

Communication with the higher-level control takes place viaPROFINET. For optimal interaction between the controller and theSIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE drive system, SIMATIC S7-1200, SIMATIC S7-1500,SIMATIC S7-1500 T-CPU, SIMATIC ET 200SP Open Controller can beused as the control system.

The SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE PDC Drives features an integratedPROFINET IRT communication interface with a communicationcycle of up to 1 ms for connecting to a control system.

Standardized protocols for linking to a higher-level control withRT and IRT are supported – the PROFIdrive profile for positioningmode and the PROFIsafe profile for safety-oriented communication.Functions such as Shared Device and ring redundancy PROFIenergy arealso possible.

All from a single source: Through the use of Motion Controlfunctionalities in the controller, the combination of converter andSIMATIC S7 automation system or a controller allows ideallyharmonized engineering. As a result, commissioning times areshortened.

Technology objects and Motion Control blocks of the higher-levelcontroller provide numerous possibilities of motion, such ascontinuous operation, positioning, synchronous operation,coordinated motion of multiple axes, cam disks, orinterpolation.

Siemens offers tested SIMATIC PLC/HMI application examples forconnection of the drive system to a SIMATIC control system:


Further information on the SIMATIC S7-1500, SIMATIC S7-1500 T-CPUcontrollers and SIMATIC ET 200SP Open Controller is availablein the ST 70 Catalog and on the internet at


Example: communication via PROFINET with SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE PDCDrives

Connection example: SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE drive system, PDC Drives,PDC100 variant

Can be used worldwide

In addition to the usual approvals, the UL approval for the NorthAmerican market has also been requested for the SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVEdrive system. Thus, the SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE drive system isavailable for worldwide use.

Further information

Detailed information on the SIMATIC MICRO-DRIVE drive system,including the latest technical documentation (brochures, tutorials,dimensional drawings, certificates, equipment manuals and operatinginstructions), is available on the internet at:


and also via the TIA Selection Tool:


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