AEROGLAZE® A276 Reflective Moisture-Curing PolyurethaneCoatingAeroglaze® A276 coating is a reflective, moisture-curingpolyurethane coating designed for product finishing applications onsubstrates used in aircraft and aerospace applications. Aeroglaze®A276 coating cures to a high gloss white finish. Approvals andConformities Ball Aerospace &Technologies: BMS29.98 Boeing: 52841092 Boeing: 9M03235/AttachA Boeing: BMS10-90 Boeing: D290-75502-22C Boeing: MB0125-080 Boeing: SCGMS56016 Boeing: STM0724 Cincinatti Electronics: 635907-1 Cytec Solvey: LMS 11953 Honeywell: P8251333 ILC Dover: ST41P1218 ITT, Space Systems: 561454 Lockheed-Martin: LAC-37-4462-002 Lockheed-Martin: MAP-CK10787-1000 Lockheed-Martin: STM40601 Northrop-Grumman: 53825TW Raytheon: HMS15-2135 Collins Aerospace (formerly RockwellCollins): KB0125005