西门子1FL2103-4AG00-1HC0 S200 200V低惯量型电机
更新:2025-01-25 07:05 编号:34015228 发布IP: 浏览:4次- 发布企业
- 上海工智达电气技术有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第1年主体名称:上海工智达电气技术有限公司组织机构代码:91310117MADP2FAE31
- 报价
- 人民币¥692.00元每台
- 西门子
- S200 200V低惯型量电机
- S200
- 1FL2103-4AG00-1HC0
- 中国
- 带健槽不带抱闸
- 关键词
- 西门子,S200,200V低惯量型电机,原装现货
- 所在地
- 上海市松江区科技园区平原街880弄65号201
- 联系电话
- 15221760199
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- 15221760199
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Siemens helps reducing energy consumption and costs, whileincreasing the sustainability of the operations
Fighting the rising energy costs, ensuring regulatory compliance,optimizing maintenance, and increasing machine reliability, whilestriving for the lowest environmental footprint of the business.These are just a few of the major challenges industries face intoday's world. Turning the attention to the drive applicationswithin the plants should be an obvious choice, as the drive systemsare the main energy consumers in industry. Optimization of thedrives thus offers a great chance for higher efficiency andsustainability in industrial operations.
Siemens is offering an energy efficiency concept that continuallyand systematically reduces the power consumption of machines andequipment and thereby boosts the competitive advantage ofindustrial producers. When implementing energy-efficient solutions,Siemens not only draws from its vast expertise and domainknow-how, but also engages digitalization tools to combine the realand the digital worlds and enable a continuous loop ofoptimization.
Six steps towardsenergy-efficient drives
1 Application assessmentIt is important to start with an evaluation of what drive and motorto use for your specific application. Overall drive systemoptimization is the key – combining cutting edge technology withdigital solutions can achieve energy savings of 60 % or more. Thus,instead of pondering over the parameters of the individual drivesystem elements in isolation, it is advisable to always take intoconsideration the interplay of the motor, converter, application,and the entire operations.
Finding the right solution for your specific case might be complex,because Siemens offers a wide range of energy-efficiency functionsin SINAMICS drives (while the cascading function might be greatfor pump applications, the energy buffering feature is moresuitable for stacker crane apps). Our experts are always happy toconsult and advise on each specific use case.
Customer Services for Drive Systems are supporting in this stepwith their offering of Energy Performance Contracting, Energy &Decarbonization audits and Retrofit for drive systems.
Siemens also offers numerous tools to make the right decision easy.One of them being the SinaSave software application, which canhelp you to calculate how soon you will recoup your investment ifyou purchase an energy-efficient drive.
2 Drive dimensioningAs the next step then comes the definition of the optimaldimensions of the drive. Proper dimensioning ensures that the drivesystem is configured to deliver the appropriate amount of power forthe application. This prevents energy waste and promotes maximumefficiency, helping to reduce operational costs. Furthermore awell-dimensioned drive system ensures increased lifespan, improvedperformance, reduced maintenance and enhanced safety. SIZER forSiemens Drives (integrated in the TIA Selection Tool) engineeringtool is the perfect starting point for finding the correct drivesize.
3 Simulation and virtualizationWith the help of the digital twin of a drive, simulation andvirtual commissioning could be easily performed. Throughsimulation, you can create virtual models of drive systems and testdifferent configurations, operating parameters, and controlstrategies. This allows for testing and fine-tuning the system'senergy efficiency before installation. You can simulate the drivesystem's behavior and interactions with other equipment to detectand rectify any inefficiencies or potential energy losses. Thisapproach helps in optimizing the system even before it is put intooperation, saving time and resources. DriveSim Designer andDriveSim Engineer are the tools that Siemens offers for drivesimulation.
4 Efficient useUse innovative drive technology to reduce your energy consumption!The energy-efficient components and systems developed by Siemenscan cut the energy consumption of your plant. Important componentsin an energy-efficient plant are, for example, frequency converterswith regenerative feedback functions for applications with variablespeeds or soft starters for fixed-speed drives. With its SmartPower Management system, Siemens is also offering solutions thatpermit to compensate peak loads, recover braking energy, and supplythe machine with power in case of grid faults. Among otherenergy-efficient functions of SINAMICS drives are Eco mode, energybuffering, automatic flux adaption, clean power, DC link,PROFIenergy, hibernation mode, bypass operation and cascading.
5 ConnectivityThe next step is to get operational data out of the drives in orderto gain transparency of the energy consumption of the drive systemsand to lay foundations for further analysis and optimization. To doso Siemens is able to provide Drive Connector SINAMICSIndustrial Edge app and various IoT gateways.
6 OptimizationOnce connected, the drives send data to Industrial Edge and Cloudapps (Analyze MyDrives, SIDRIVE IQ Fleet), where real-timemonitoring of performance and energy consumption of drive systemscan happen. This allows operators and maintenance personnel toidentify inefficiencies or anomalies promptly. By detecting andaddressing energy-consuming issues in real time, energy waste canbe minimized, leading to improved energy efficiency.
Analysis of large volumes of data related to drive systemperformance and energy consumption can be executed as well. Byleveraging this data, patterns, trends, and energy usage profilescan be identified with the help of AI. This analysis helps ingaining insights into the energy consumption patterns of the drivesystem, allowing for targeted optimization efforts to be made.
成立日期 | 2024年06月21日 | ||
主营产品 | 西门子PLC HMI 工业软件 电线电缆 变频器 伺服数控系统 | ||
经营范围 | 经营范围包括一般项目:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;通用设备修理;专用设备修理;电气设备修理;家用电器安装服务;普通机械设备安装服务;机械电气设备销售;电子专用设备销售;数控机床销售;机械设备销售;电线、电缆经营;电子元器件与机电组件设备销售;电工仪器仪表销售;电力电子元器件销售。 | ||
公司简介 | 上海工智达电气技术有限公司成立于2024年,公司下设技术部、销售部、维修部、物流部、等专职部门。公司为自动化控制以及电气传动领域产品销售、技术服务、技术培训以及项目咨询为一体的企业。致力成为行业内优秀的自动化技术服务商。公司定位------做客户贴心的自动化专家,提供全系列,全方位,全周期的自动化产品和技术服务!——定位于自动化领域,突显于专业化水准技术支持------公司拥有完整的技术队伍(各类 ... |
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