西门子1FL2104-2AG00-1HC0 S200 200V低惯量型电机
2025-01-11 07:05 1次- 发布企业
- 上海工智达电气技术有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第1年主体名称:上海工智达电气技术有限公司组织机构代码:91310117MADP2FAE31
- 报价
- 人民币¥866.00元每台
- 西门子
- S200 200V低惯型量电机
- S200
- 1FL2104-2AG00-1HC0
- 中国
- 带健槽不带抱闸
- 关键词
- 西门子,S200,200V低惯量型电机,原装现货
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PROFINET – the Ethernet standard for automation
PROFINET is the world's leading Industrial Ethernet standard forautomation with more than 40 million nodes installedworldwide.
PROFINET makes companies more successful, because it speeds upprocesses and raises both productivity and plant availability.
Short response times and optimized processes are the basicrequirements for competitiveness in global markets because theproduct life cycles are becoming shorter and shorter.
PROFINET ensures maximum flexibility in plant structures andproduction processes, and it enables you to implement innovativemachine and plant concepts. For example, mobile devices can also beintegrated at locations that are difficult to access.
In addition to the linear structure characterized by theestablished fieldbuses, PROFINET also enables the use of star, treeand ring structures. This is made possible by switching technologyvia active network components, such as Industrial Ethernet switchesand media converters, or by integrating switch functionality intothe field devices. This results in increased flexibility in theplanning of machines and plants, as well as savings in cabling.
The PROFINET network can be installed without any specialistknowledge at all and meets all requirements that are relevant tothe industrial environment. The "PROFINET Installations Guidelines"assist manufacturers and users with network planning, installationand commissioning. Symmetrical copper cables or RFI-resistantfiber-optic cables are used, depending on the application. Devicesfrom different manufacturers are easily connected via standardizedand rugged plug-in connectors (up to IP65/IP67 degree ofprotection).
By integrating switch functionality into the devices, lineartopologies can be created that are directly oriented toward anexisting machine or plant structure. This reduces cabling overheadand cuts down on components such as external switches.
PROFINET also supports wireless communication with IndustrialWireless LAN, thus opening up new fields of application. Forexample, technologies subject to wear, such as trailing cables, canbe replaced and automated guided vehicle systems and mobileoperator panels can be used.
The PROFIsafe safety profile, which has been tried and tested withPROFIBUS and which permits the transmission of standard andsafety-related data on a single bus cable, can also be used withPROFINET. No special network components are necessary for fail-safecommunication, which means that standard switches and standardnetwork transitions can continue to be used without anyrestrictions. In addition, fail-safe communication is equallypossible via Industrial Wireless LAN (IWLAN).
Open standard
PROFINET, the open multi-vendor standard(IEC 61158/IEC 61784), is supported by PROFIBUS andPROFINET International (PI). It stands for maximum transparency,open IT communication, network security and simultaneous real-timecommunication.
Thanks to its openness, PROFINET provides the basis for astandardized automation network in the plant, to which all othermachines and devices can be connected. Even the integration ofexisting plant components, for example using PROFIBUS, presents noproblems due to the use of network transitions.
Use of web tools
Thanks to the unrestricted support of TCP/IP, PROFINET permits theuse of standard web services such as web servers. Irrespective ofthe tool used, information from the automation level can beaccessed from virtually any location using a commercially availableinternet browser. This considerably simplifies commissioning anddiagnostics. Users can then decide for themselves how much opennessto the IT world they want to allow for their machine or plant. Thismeans that PROFINET can be used simply as an isolated plant networkor connected via appropriate Security Modules, such as theSCALANCE S modules, to the office network or the internet. Inthis way, new remote maintenance concepts or the high-speedexchange of production data become possible.
On the one hand, PROFINET facilitates the integration of existingsystems and networks without any great effort. In this way,PROFINET safeguards investments in existing plant components thatcommunicate via PROFIBUS and other fieldbuses such as AS-Interface.On the other hand, additional PROFINET nodes can be added at anytime. By using additional network components, networkinfrastructures can be expanded using cabling or wireless methods –even while the plant is operating.
EfficiencyGreater global competition means that companies must use theirresources economically and efficiently. This applies in particularto production. This is where PROFINET ensures greater efficiency.Simple engineering guarantees fast commissioning, while reliabledevices ensure a high level of plant availability. Comprehensivediagnostic and maintenance concepts help to reduce plant downtimesand keep maintenance costs to a minimum.
One cable foreverything
PROFINET permits simultaneous fieldbus communication withisochronous mode and standard IT communication (TCP/IP) on onecable. This real-time communication for the transmission ofuser/process data and diagnostic data takes place on a singlecable. Specific profile communication (PROFIsafe, PROFIdrive andPROFIenergy) can be integrated without any additional cabling. Thissolution offers a wide scope of functions at a low level ofcomplexity.
Device and networkdiagnostics
By retaining the tried and tested PROFIBUS device model, the samediagnostics information is available with PROFINET. In addition,module-specific and channel-specific data can also be read out fromthe devices during device diagnostics, enabling faults to belocated quickly and easily. Apart from the availability of deviceinformation, the reliability of network operation has top priorityin the network management.
In existing networks the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)has established itself as the de facto standard for the maintenanceand monitoring of the network components and their functions.PROFINET uses this standard and gives users the opportunity tomaintain their networks with tools that are familiar to them, suchas the SINEMA Server network management software.
For easier maintenance of PROFINET devices, both on-site andremotely via a secure VPN connection, application-specific websitescan be set up on the web server of the field devices using thefamiliar HTML standard.
Energy efficiency
Moving toward the green factory: PROFIenergy is a profile thatprovides functions and mechanisms for PROFINET field devices thatsupport energy-efficient production.
The profile, which is defined by the PNO and is independent of anymanufacturers or devices, enables energy demand and costs to besignificantly reduced: Using PROFIenergy, any specific loads thatare not currently being used can be switched off. This achieves anoticeable reduction in energy costs during breaks in production.PROFIenergy permits the simple, automated activation anddeactivation of technologically related plant components. It iscoordinated centrally by means of a higher-level controller and isnetworked via PROFINET. This ensures that as much energy aspossible is saved during long breaks. Temporarily switching offplant components contributes to the even distribution and mostefficient use of energy.
The use of PROFIenergy is made easy for the machine builder by itsintegration into familiar series of products. In addition,PROFIenergy is defined in such a way that the necessary functionblocks can easily be integrated into existing automation systems ata later stage.
Simple wiring
Particularly stringent demands are made on the installation ofcables in the industrial environment. In addition, there is arequirement to set up industry-standard networks in the shortestpossible time without any special knowledge.
With FastConnect, Siemens offers a high-speed installation systemthat meets all of these requirements. FastConnect is thestandard-compliant, industry-standard cabling system consisting ofcables, connectors and assembly tools for PROFINET networks. Thetime required for connecting terminals is minimized by the simpleinstallation method using just a single tool, while installationerrors are prevented by the practical color-coding. Both coppercables and glass fiber optic cables can be easily assembled on sitein this way.
Fast devicereplacement
PROFINET devices are identified by means of a name assigned duringconfiguration. When replacing a defective device, a new device canbe recognized from its topology information by the IO controllerand a new name can be assigned to it automatically. This means thatno engineering tool is necessary for the replacement ofequipment.
This mechanism can even be used for the initial commissioning of acomplete system. This speeds up commissioning, particularly in thecase of series machines.
An automation network must be able to withstand most externalsources of interference. The use of Switched Ethernet preventsfaults in one section of the network from affecting the entireplant network. For areas that are particularly prone to radiofrequency interference (RFI), PROFINET allows the use of fiberoptic cables.
PerformanceProductivity and product quality determine the level of success inthe market. Precise motion control, dynamic drives, high-speedcontrollers and the deterministic synchronization of devices aretherefore key factors in achieving superior production. Theyfacilitate high production rates and optimum product quality at thesame time.
Speed andprecision
Fast motion control applications demand precise and deterministicexchange of data. This is implemented by means of drive controllersusing isochronous real time (IRT).
With IRT and isochronous mode, PROFINET permits fast anddeterministic communication. This synchronizes the various cyclesof a system (input, network, CPU processing and output), even inthe case of parallel TCP/IP traffic. The short cycle times ofPROFINET make it possible to raise the productivity of machines andplants and to guarantee the product quality and high level ofprecision.
The standardized PROFIdrive profile permits vendor-independentcommunication between CPUs and drives.
Large quantitystructures
The use of PROFINET makes it possible to overcome the existingrestrictions regarding the scope of machines and systems that canbe implemented. In one network, several different controllers caninteract with their assigned field devices. The number of fielddevices per PROFINET network is virtually unlimited – the entirerange of IP addresses is available.
High data rate
By using 100 Mbit/s in full duplex mode, PROFINET achieves asignificantly higher data rate than previous fieldbuses. This meansthat other plant data can be transmitted over TCP/IP without anyproblems, in addition to the process data. PROFINET therefore meetsthe combined industrial demands for simultaneously transmittinghigh-speed IO data and large volumes of data for additionalsections of the application. Even the transmission of large volumesof data, such as that from cameras, has no adverse effect on thespeed and precision of the IO data transmission, thanks to PROFINETmechanisms.
Media redundancy
A higher plant availability can be achieved with a redundantinstallation (ring topology). The media redundancy can beimplemented not only with the aid of external switches, but also bymeans of integrated PROFINET interfaces. Using the media redundancyprotocol (MRP), reconfiguration times of 200 ms can beachieved. If the communication is interrupted in just one part ofthe ring installation this means that a plant standstill isprevented and any necessary maintenance or repair work can beperformed without any time pressure.
For motion control applications, PROFINET with IRT in ringtopologies offers extended media redundancy for planned duplication(MRPD) which operates in a bumpless mode without anyreconfiguration time. If communication is interrupted (e.g. a cablebreak) the process can continue operating without interruption.
Bumpless media redundancy illustrated by example of SINAMICS G220,S200, S210 and SCALANCE X200IRT
PROFINET is the open Industrial Ethernet standard forautomation
PROFINET is based on Industrial Ethernet
PROFINET uses TCP/IP and IT standards
PROFINET is real-time Ethernet
PROFINET enables seamless integration of fieldbus systems
PROFINET supports fail-safe communication via PROFIsafe and alsovia IWLAN
成立日期 | 2024年06月21日 | ||
主营产品 | 西门子PLC HMI 工业软件 电线电缆 变频器 伺服数控系统 | ||
经营范围 | 经营范围包括一般项目:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;通用设备修理;专用设备修理;电气设备修理;家用电器安装服务;普通机械设备安装服务;机械电气设备销售;电子专用设备销售;数控机床销售;机械设备销售;电线、电缆经营;电子元器件与机电组件设备销售;电工仪器仪表销售;电力电子元器件销售。 | ||
公司简介 | 上海工智达电气技术有限公司成立于2024年,公司下设技术部、销售部、维修部、物流部、等专职部门。公司为自动化控制以及电气传动领域产品销售、技术服务、技术培训以及项目咨询为一体的企业。致力成为行业内优秀的自动化技术服务商。公司定位------做客户贴心的自动化专家,提供全系列,全方位,全周期的自动化产品和技术服务!——定位于自动化领域,突显于专业化水准技术支持------公司拥有完整的技术队伍(各类 ... |
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