西门子1FL2103-4AG01-1HC0 S200 200V低惯量电机
2025-01-11 07:05 1次- 发布企业
- 上海工智达电气技术有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第1年主体名称:上海工智达电气技术有限公司组织机构代码:91310117MADP2FAE31
- 报价
- 人民币¥750.00元每台
- 西门子
- S200 200V低惯型量电机
- S200
- 1FL2103-4AG01-1HC0
- 中国
- 带健槽不带抱闸
- 关键词
- 西门子,S200,200V低惯量型电机,原装现货
- 所在地
- 上海市松江区科技园区平原街880弄65号201
- 联系电话
- 15221760199
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- 15221760199
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- 15221760199
The SINAMICS Motor Control Extended (license) software option forSINAMICS G220 enables high-performance encoderless closed-loopcontrol of synchronous reluctance motors from standstill, byenabling pulse technique at very low speeds.
Main benefits
Reduces commissioning time and effort
(less configuration, tuning and wiring)Saves energy due to permanent operation in closed-loop vectorcontrol
Saves cost for encoder, cable, installation, spares, etc.
Allows continuous operation at near zero speeds including torquecontrol
Improves system stability and robustness
Improves drive dynamic performance
Improves reliability and availability by reducing systemcomplexity
Example 1: Low speeds,robustness and energy efficiency
The following diagram shows a measured load cycle. In the low speedrange, the software option Motor Control Extended leads tosignificant reduced currents and therefore increased energyefficiency. Also, continuous operation with high loads is possiblenear zero speed.
When medium speeds are reached (in diagram: rectangle), the controlswitches from the pulse technique to standard sensorless vectorcontrol.
Example 2: Dynamicbehavior
In the following measurement, a sinusoidal signal was used todemonstrate the dynamic performance of the pulse technique. Thesinusoidal signal is reproduced perfectly with the pulse techniquewhile maintaining a relatively low current compared to the standardsensorless control near zero speed. For higher sinusoidalfrequencies, the standard control would not be able to work.
This shows perfectly that with the software option Motor ControlExtended, also high dynamic applications that need fast reactiontimes at low speeds without ramps are possible.
In which cases should theMotor Control Extended software option be used?
With synchronous reluctance motor drive
the application requires frequent or long or even permanentoperation at very low speeds during operation cycle and/or precisetorque control from 0 rpm is required (e. g. winders, mixers,extruders).
If the load peak at start is difficult to predict or changesdynamically and/or positioning in the application is required (e.g. logistics, cranes, hoists).
If the drive dynamic performance is critical, requiringoperation with no or very short ramps in closed-loop (e. g. servopumps).
If the motor works in harsh conditions or it is impossible touse an encoder (dust, heavy vibrations, mechanical restrictions)(e. g. heavy industry).
SD card
成立日期 | 2024年06月21日 | ||
主营产品 | 西门子PLC HMI 工业软件 电线电缆 变频器 伺服数控系统 | ||
经营范围 | 经营范围包括一般项目:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;通用设备修理;专用设备修理;电气设备修理;家用电器安装服务;普通机械设备安装服务;机械电气设备销售;电子专用设备销售;数控机床销售;机械设备销售;电线、电缆经营;电子元器件与机电组件设备销售;电工仪器仪表销售;电力电子元器件销售。 | ||
公司简介 | 上海工智达电气技术有限公司成立于2024年,公司下设技术部、销售部、维修部、物流部、等专职部门。公司为自动化控制以及电气传动领域产品销售、技术服务、技术培训以及项目咨询为一体的企业。致力成为行业内优秀的自动化技术服务商。公司定位------做客户贴心的自动化专家,提供全系列,全方位,全周期的自动化产品和技术服务!——定位于自动化领域,突显于专业化水准技术支持------公司拥有完整的技术队伍(各类 ... |
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