美国PCB 353B14现货无需等待

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美国PCB 353B14现货无需等待

美国PCB 353B14单轴传感器

美国PCB 353B14产品好好且实惠

GRAS measurement microphones are available in many typescovering various frequency ranges, dynamic ranges and suitingdiffererent application situations.

To select the microphone that suits your specific measurementneeds, your considerations can most likely be summarized as:

? Prepolarized vs. Externally-polarized

? Free-field, Pressure or Random-incidence

? Dynamic range & Frequency range

Consult our microphone guide to learn more about selecting theright microphone. 

GRAS 40AC 1/2" Ext. Polarized Free-field Microphone, WideFrequency

Freq range: 3.15 Hz to 40 kHz

Dyn range: 20 dBA to 164 dB

Sensitivity: 12.5 mV/Pa

The 40AC is an IEC 61094 WS2F classified ?” externally polarizedfree-field, wide-frequency microphone with rear-venting. Theprepolarized equivalent is GRAS 40AM...

GRAS 40AD 1/2" Prepolarized Pressure Microphone, HighSensitivity

Freq range: 3.15 Hz to 10 kHz

Dyn range: 16 dB(A) to 148 dB

Sensitivity: 50 mV/Pa

The 40AD is an IEC 61094 WS2P ?" prepolarized pressuremicrophone with rear-venting. The externally polarized equivalentis GRAS 40AP..

GRAS 40AE 1/2" Prepolarized Free-Field Microphone

Freq range: 3.15 Hz to 20 kHz

Dyn range: 15 dB(A) to 148 dB

The GRAS 40AE is a 1/2" Prepolarized free-field microphone formeasuring medium sound pressure levels at medium frequencies. Theequivalent externally polarized 200 V type is GRAS 40AF...

GRAS 40AF 1/2" Ext. Polarized Free-field Microphone

Dyn range: 14 dBA to 149 dB

The GRAS 40AF is a 1/2" Externally Polarized free-fieldmicrophone for measuring medium sound pressure levels at mediumfrequencies. The equivalent prepolarized 0 V type is GRAS40AE...

GRAS 40AG 1/2" Ext. Polarized Pressure Microphone

The 40AG is an IEC 61094 WS2P ?" externally polarized pressuremicrophone with rear-venting. It is a high-precision condensermicrophone made according to IEC 61094-4 requirements and is idealfor coupler measurements in both laboratory and productionenvironments. It is extremely robust and reliabl..

GRAS 40AM 1/2" Prepolarized Free-Field Microphone, WideFrequency

Freq range: 3.15 Hz to 31.5 kHz

Dyn range: 20 dB(A) to 163 dB

Sensitivity: 14.5 mV/Pa

The 40AM is an IEC 61094 WS2F classified ?” prepolarizedfree-field, wide-frequency microphone with rear-venting. Theexternally polarized equivalent is GRAS 40AC...

GRAS 40AN 1/2" Ext. Polarized Free-field Microphone, LowFrequency

Freq range: 0.5 Hz to 20 kHz

The 40AN is an IEC 61094 WS2F classified ?” externally polarizedfree-field, low-frequency microphone with rear-venting. Theprepolarized equivalent is GRAS 40AZ...

GRAS 40AO 1/2" Prepolarized Pressure Microphone

The 40AO is an IEC 61094 WS2P ?" prepolarized pressuremicrophone with rear-venting. Read about the externally polarizedequivalent [40AG]. It is a high-precision condenser microphone madeaccording to IEC 61094-4 requirements and is ideal for couplermeasurements in both laboratory and production e..

GRAS 40AO-FV 1/2" Prepolarized Pressure Microphone, FrontVented

The 40AO-FV is an IEC 61094 WS2P ?" prepolarized pressuremicrophone with rear-venting. It is a high-precision condensermicrophone made according to IEC 61094-4 requirements and is idealfor coupler measurements in both laboratory and productionenvironments. It is extremely robust and reliable an..

GRAS 40AP 1/2" Ext. Polarized Pressure Microphone, HighSensitivity

Dyn range: 16 dBA to 149 dB

The 40AP is an IEC 61094 WS2P ?" externally polarized pressuremicrophone with rear-venting. It is a high-precision condensermicrophone made according to IEC 61094-4 requirements and is idealfor coupler and boundary measurements in both laboratory andproduction environments. It is extremely robus..

GRAS 40AP-FV 1/2" Ext. Polarized Pressure Microphone, HighSensitivity, Front Vented

The 40AP-S1 is an IEC 61094 WS2P ?" externally polarizedpressure microphone with front venting. It is a high-precisioncondenser microphone made according to IEC 61094-4 requirements andis ideal for coupler and boundary measurements in both laboratoryand production environments. It is extremely r..

GRAS 40AQ 1/2" Prepolarized Random Incidence Microphone

Freq range: 3.15 Hz to 12.5Hz

The 40AQ is an IEC 61094 WS2P/D ?" prepolarized random-incidencemicrophone with rear-venting. It is a high-precision condensermicrophone made according to IEC 61094-4 requirements, optimized tomeasure sound correctly in random, diffuse, and reverberant soundfields. It is extremely robust and rel..

GRAS 40AR 1/2" Ext. Polarized Random Incidence Microphone

Freq range: 3.15 Hz to 12.5 kHz

Dyn range: 14 dB(A) to 149 dB

The 40AR is an IEC 61094 WS2P/D ?" externally polarizedrandom-incidence microphone with rear-venting. The 40AR is ahigh-precision condenser microphone made according to IEC 61094-4requirements. It also fulfills the requirements of ANSI S1.4...


GRAS 40AU-1 1/2" Ext. Polarized Reference PressureMicrophone

Dyn range: 20 dB(A) to 164 dB

The 40AU-1 is an IEC 61094 LS2aP ?" externally polarizedreference microphone that is rear-vented. It is a ?"laboratory-standard pressure microphone that is ideal for precisionsound pressure measurements. It has a front cavity as specified inIEC 61094-2 and is supplied with a protective dust cap...

GRAS 40AZ 1/2" Prepolarized Free-field Microphone, LowFrequency

Dyn range: 14 dB(A) to 148 dB

The 40AZ is a prepolarized free-field microphone with a largedynamic range and a wide frequency response. Its externallypolarized equivalent is GRAS 40AN...

GRAS 40BD 1/4" Prepolarized Pressure Microphone

Freq range: 4 Hz to 70 kHz

Dyn range: 44 dB(A) to 174 dB

Sensitivity: 1.6 mV/Pa

The 40BD is an IEC 61094 WS3P ?" prepolarized pressuremicrophone with rear-venting. It is a high-precision condensermicrophone made according to IEC 61094-4 requirements. Its lowsensitivity makes it ideal for sound measurements at high soundpressure levels of up to 174 dB. Its small size reduces..

GRAS 40BD-FV 1/4" Prepolarized Pressure Microphone, FrontVented

The 40BD-FV is an IEC 61094 WS3P ?" prepolarized pressuremicrophone with front venting. It is a high-precision condensermicrophone made according to IEC 61094-4 requirements. Its lowsensitivity makes it ideal for sound measurements at high soundpressure levels of up to 166 dB. Its small size red..

GRAS 40BE 1/4" Prepolarized Free-Field Microphone

Freq range: 4 Hz to 80 kHz

Dyn range: 30 dB(A) to 168 dB

Sensitivity: 4 mV/Pa

The 40BE is an IEC 61094 WS3F 1/4” prepolarized free-fieldmicrophone with rear-venting. The externally polarized equivalentis 40BF...

GRAS 40BE-FV 1/4" Prepolarized Free-Field Microphone, FrontVented

The 40BE-FV is an IEC 61094 WS3F 1/4” prepolarized free-fieldmicrophone with front venting...

GRAS 40BF 1/4" Ext. Polarized Free-field Microphone

Freq range: 4 Hz to 100 kHz

Dyn range: 30 dB(A) to 172 dB

The 40BF is an IEC 61094 WS3F ?” externally polarized free-fieldmicrophone with rear-venting. The prepolarized equivalent is GRAS40BE...

GRAS 40BH 1/4" Ext. Polarized Pressure Microphone, HighPressure

Freq range: 10 Hz to 20 kHz

Dyn range: 54 dB(A) to 193 dB

Sensitivity: 0.4 mV/Pa

The 40BH is an IEC 61094 WS3P ?" externally polarizedhigh-pressure microphone with rear-venting. It is a high-precisioncondenser microphone made according to IEC 61094-4 requirements.Its very low sensitivity and wide frequency response make it idealfor measuring very high sound pressure levels o..

GRAS 40BP 1/4" Ext. Polarized Pressure Microphone

Dyn range: 34 dB(A) to 169 dB

The 40BP is an IEC 61094 WS3P 1/4" externally polarized pressuremicrophone with rear-venting. It is a high-precision condensermicrophone made according to IEC 61094-4 requirements. It is alow-sensitivity microphone for sound measurements at high levelsand high frequencies. Its low sensitivi..

GRAS 40BP-FV 1/4" Ext. Polarized Pressure Microphone, FrontVented

The 40BP-FV is an IEC 61094 WS3P 1/4" externally polarizedpressure microphone with front venting. It is a high-precisioncondenser microphone made according to IEC 61094-4 requirements. Itis a low-sensitivity microphone for sound measurements at highlevels and high frequencies. Its low sensi..

GRAS 40DD 1/8" Prepolarized Pressure Microphone

Freq range: 6.5 Hz to 70 kHz

Dyn range: 49 dB(A) to 175 dB

Sensitivity: 0.9 mV/Pa

The 40DD is an IEC 61094 1/8" prepolarized pressure microphonewith rear-venting. It is a high-precision condenser microphone madeaccording to IEC 61094-4 requirements. Its tiny size allows it tobe used for measuring very high frequency sounds without disturbingthe sound field. It can measure sou..

GRAS 40DP 1/8" Ext. Polarized Pressure Microphone

Freq range: 6.5 Hz to 140 kHz

Dyn range: 49 dB(A) to 178 dB

Sensitivity: 1 mV/Pa

The 40DP is an IEC 61094 1/8" externally polarized pressuremicrophone with rear-venting. Due to its tiny size, thishigh-precision condenser microphone can be used to measure veryhigh frequency sounds without disturbing the sound field...

GRAS 40EN 1" Ext. Polarized Pressure Microphone

Freq range: 2.6 Hz to 8 kHz

Dyn range: 9.6 dBA to 146 dB

The 40EN is an IEC 61094 WS1P 1" externally polarized pressuremicrophone. It is a 1" pressure microphone that is ideal formeasurements in couplers used for testing earphones. Whenflush-mounted, it can measure sound pressures at boundaries. It ishighly suited as a laboratory-standard microphone...

GRAS 40EU 1" Ext. Polarized Reference Pressure Microphone

The 40EU is an IEC 61094 LS1P 1” externally polarized pressuremicrophone that is rear-vented. It is a 1” pressure microphone thatis ideal for measurements in couplers used for testing earphones.When flush-mounted, it can measure sound pressures at boundaries.It is highly suited as a laboratory-s..



美国PCB 353B14现货无需等待,美国PCB,353B14单轴传感器

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