HOTELEX 2025上海酒店餐饮 食品饮料包装 食品饮料灌装机械设备展览会

更新:2024-09-18 08:00 发布者IP: 浏览:0次
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The 2025 Shanghai International Hotel and Catering Industry Expo isabout to grandly open.


As one of the most influential events in the hotel and cateringindustry, this exhibition will bring together renowned brands,industry leaders, and professional visitors from around the worldto discuss the future trends and innovative development of theindustry.


At this palace level procurement feast, food ingredients, coffeeand tea drinks, catering equipment, baking, desktop supplies andother categories are all available. The collision of unlimitedbusiness opportunities and wisdom, all at the 2025HOTELEX Shanghaiexhibition!


As the flagship event of HOTELEX Hotel and Catering Exhibition, the2024 HOTELEX Shanghai Exhibition gathers high-quality industryresources and carefully creates a coffee themed exhibition area,bringing together leading enterprises and star brands in variouslinks of the coffee industry chain, including Wangli, Xiangji,Pinke, Baishatu, MHW-3BOMBER, White Dwarf Star, Melitta, RoundTrip, Soma, Avoca, Jiehui NUOVA DISTRIBUTION CHINA、 GrimleyOATLY、CIMBALI、MONIN、 Renowned brands such as Heqin, MingS, CoffeeDoctor, Futengbao, Kaifeng, Jiuzong, Meinuo, etc. showcase in-depththe processes of coffee bean cultivation, procurement, processing,transportation, trade, and coffee equipment manufacturing, as wellas on-site production and display experiences of hot and popularproducts, providing comprehensive empowerment for the subdivisionand personalized development of the coffee industry.


Category of exhibits:


Coffee equipment and accessories | Coffeebrewing utensils and accessories | Coffee raw materials and relatedsupplies

02 现制茶饮特色展区

02 Featured exhibition area forfreshly made tea drinks


Provide a sudden inspiration for innovation


The scale up process of freshly made tea drinks is in fullswing. Behind the high profile of top brands, there are still broadopportunities for mid to high end brands, such as Mo Yogurt, whichhas made a stunning debut in the yogurt market, and Tea Talk Lane,a new Chinese style tea drink brand that has grown fourfold instore size in a year.


Freshly made tea beverage


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As the foundation of the industry, endless innovation means thatthere are constantly numerous opportunities for iteration andsegmentation in the market. To die and strive for innovation, itrequires the concerted efforts of the supply chain, research anddevelopment, stores, and digital departments. The characteristicexhibition area of instant tea drinks created by this exhibitiongathers high-quality enterprises such as Junlebao, Shenghe Biology,Orange Tea, Yoyo Orchard, Bangli Tea, Bailixian, Yili, LiantangTea, Moyin Coffee, Mingchao, Fresh Drinks, Yifang, Xuxiang, Weiyi,Kelliver, Gree, Mount Huangshan Hydraulic Engineering, Puland,Guangxi, Dahuang Chuanying, Yinzhijian, Damin, Sumin, Sentang,Qiaoyuan, etc. Milk source, tea base, small ingredients, freshfruits, equipment, and packaging are all included.


Category of exhibits:


Tea raw materials and finished products | Tea utensils and crafts |Tea equipment and technology


Beverage ingredients: syrup, fruit juice, jam, concentrated fruitjuice, dairy products, other beverage ingredients


Beverage equipment: Fructose machine, Sealing machine, Waterboiler, Automatic beverage vending machine, Other beverageequipment for industrial use


Beverages and Equipment: Soft Beverages | Functional Beverages |High end Drinking and Bottled Water | Industrial BeverageEquipment

 03 预制菜特色展区

03 Prefabricated Vegetable SpecialtyExhibition Area


Look for growth, find unique features, and discussdirections


According to relevant data from iMedia Consulting, China'spre packaged food industry has achieved a growth rate of over 20%for three consecutive years, and the overall market size isexpected to exceed 510 billion yuan in 2023. During this year'sSpring Festival, the sales volume of Hema semi-finished pre madevegetables increased by 46% year-on-year. Before the SpringFestival, the news about the submission of the national standardfor pre packaged dishes has sparked widespread discussions bothinside and outside the industry.




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As adeterministic and upcoming trillion dollar industry, with the costreduction and efficiency improvement brought to the store end andthe ease of operation for the consumer end, pre made meals havebecome an inevitable trend. In order to further promote the healthyand efficient development of the pre packaged food industry, the2024 HOTELEX Shanghai Exhibition has carefully prepared a specialexhibition area for pre packaged food. Brands such as Qianwei,Shanda, Jinwei, Jiahao, Zhengteng, Jukoufu, Duoji, Dufengxuan,Xinmeichen, Shuangying, Anqi, Ziyangwei, Tongxing, Houde, Zhuodian,etc. will all be unveiled soon. From multiple perspectives such asmaterial selection, standards, craftsmanship, and transportation,they will showcase the entire production process of pre packagedfood from the field to the dining table, creating a deeperunderstanding of safety and health for professional visitors onsite.


With the rapiddevelopment of the pre packaged food industry, more and moreplayers are entering the race track. With the intensification ofcompetition, differentiated specialty products are more likely tobe favored by the market. We sincerely look forward to morepersonalized enterprises from upstream and downstream industriesparticipating in the specialty exhibition area of this year's prepackaged food exhibition. Together with numerous top brands thathave already participated, we will promote the development of prepackaged food and welcome the early arrival of the trillion yuanera of pre packaged food.


Category of exhibits:


Fresh meat and poultry, rice, flour, miscellaneous grains, aquaticproducts, oil and oil products, soy products, hot pot ingredients,fruit and vegetable products, seasonings, frozen food, pre madeproducts, other ingredients


Dairy products | Leisure food | Convenience food | Canned food |Organic and functional food | Halal food | Other food

 04 餐饮设备特色展区

04 Special Exhibition Area forCatering Equipment


The winner or loser of efficiencycompetition in the era of quality price ratio


In the era of quality price ratio, the lowest logic is thecompetition of efficiency. In places where customers cannot see,catering equipment carries the core competitiveness of arestaurant. Especially with the advancement of intelligenttechnology, catering equipment is also revolutionizing theefficiency of restaurants, bringing a continuous stream of newempowerment.


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HOTELEX Shanghai Exhibition carefully creates a distinctiveexhibition area for catering equipment, practicing innovation,intelligence, quality, and green concepts, gathering top cateringequipment manufacturers in the industry, such as Midea, Ruixian,Gundam/Yinglianst, Chuanglv, Jiuzong, Jinbaite, Hualing, Qiang'an,Mingchu, Meichu, Xiangying, Yancheng, Juxin, Bojingte, Jiamai,Maike, Jincheng, Haier, Xingqi, Xingxing, Chuangli, Jiujing, Rote,Langtuo, Jindali, Bingchuang, Bingshan Songyang, JingpingEnvironmental Protection, Kelan... and other well-known brands, aswell as partnering with HOTELEX Hotel and Catering Exhibition for 9years, holding a total of 14 sessions and continuously leading thecentral government. The Zhonglian Central Kitchen BoutiqueIntegrated Exhibition Area for the development of the kitchenindustry and Xingfu Town from Boxing County, known as the "NumberOne Stainless Steel Kitchen Utensils Town in China" and the"Kitchen Capital of China", The China Kitchen Capital AuspiciousExhibition Group, established by Shandong Auspicious KitchenwareMall, which is renowned for its kitchenware festival, showcases thelatest intelligent kitchen equipment, kitchen purificationequipment, dishwashers, refrigeration equipment, and fullyautomatic intelligent rice production lines.


Category ofexhibits:


Comprehensive Cooking Equipment | Disinfection Equipment |Refrigeration Equipment | Kitchen Environmental ProtectionEquipment | Central Kitchen Equipment | Kitchen Auxiliary Equipmentand Supplies | Kitchen Food Processing Machinery | KitchenEquipment Production and Processing Machinery | Cold ChainLogistics and Distribution

 05 桌面用品特色展区

05 Desktop Supplies FeaturedExhibition Area



Under the economic effect of lipstick, consumers'perception of beauty will become more sensitive. In addition, theconsumption habits of the new generation of consumers areunleashing tremendous commercial energy in terms of emotionalvalue. Emotional value and aesthetics have become important weaponsfor restaurants to attract customers. And how to mobilizeconsumers' emotional value requires comprehensive application fromall aspects. A set of exquisite dining tables, a thoughtfularrangement, also has the opportunity to bring emotional value anda sense of ritual surprise to consumers.


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In the desktop products specialty exhibition area prepared for thisexhibition, participating companies include well-known domestic andforeign brands such as Nansong, Angsheng, Weiye, Gaochun,Taoxichuan, Shangxia, Wedgwood, ATHENA, RIEDEL, etc. TraditionalChinese porcelain, Italian glass wine glasses, French silvertableware and other dishes, bowls, plates, wine glasses andtableware are all included, with ultimate craftsmanship aesthetics,making many exhibits reflect the elegant fusion of taste andpracticality, bringing more creativity to the operation andimprovement of restaurants.


Category of exhibits:


Desktop tableware and utensils | Ceramic tableware | Glassand crystal utensils | Stainless steel tableware | Gold and silverutensils | Melamine tableware | Bamboo and wood tableware | Plasticand acrylic tableware | Comprehensive material tableware desktopaccessories | Tablecloth | Dining table and chair | Dining table |Tableware artwork | Buffet equipment and supplies | Buffet stove,dining table, dining rack | Insulation equipment | Buffet tabledecoration

 06 烘焙食品特色展区



In October 2023, the ChinaHotel Association and Xinhua News Agency jointly released the "2023Annual Report on China's Catering Industry", which mentioned thatthe baking industry is showing a significant growth trend.According to Meituan data, baked goods have become the largestcategory in the domestic snack food industry. Another organizationpredicts that the domestic baking market will exceed 300 billionyuan in 2023, with a compound annual growth rate still exceeding10%.


In addition, according to data from Tmall in the past three years,the growth rate of prefabricated baking is 3.6 times that of bakingraw materials and 6.8 times that of finished baking. On the B-side,prefabricated baking has reversed the traditional baking brand'sheavy investment model of "front store, back factory", bringingopportunities for the large-scale development of baking brands.


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HOTELEX ShanghaiExhibition is dedicated to creating a unique baking exhibition areaas the baking trend is about to emerge. Famous brands such asJunlebao, Zaomiao, Kabijini, Haili, Kebo, Gaobei Food, Nanqiao,Jimao, Xinwanlai, Kesong, Panda, Dingheng, Hairong, etc. gatherhere, covering prefabricated baking, baking raw materials,equipment, finished products, etc. Some freshly made beveragesuppliers attend, empowering the new development of the bakingindustry with a trendy drink mindset.


The competition in the current market hasbecome a competition between categories. Snacks, snacks, teadrinks, coffee... The competition for consumer stomach capacity isbecoming increasingly fierce, and the "tie" attribute of baking ismore suitable for making it smaller, lighter, and healthier, thusushering in opportunities for new consumption, new retail, newscenarios, and new channels. Facing the subdivision of the trackand the reshaping of the industry, we look forward to you, who havea profound understanding and unique advantages in the bakingindustry, coming to the scene to promote the early arrival of thebaking trend!


Category of exhibits:


Baking equipment | Baking accessories | Baking refrigerationequipment | Baking raw materials | Baking semi-finished products |Baking finished products

所属分类:中国展会网 / 综合类展会
HOTELEX 2025上海酒店餐饮 食品饮料包装 食品饮料灌装机械设备展览会的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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