据艾瑞发布的数据显示,进入 20 年代,95 后(即
通常所说的 Z 世代)人均可支配收入达到了 4193
元,而在一线城市的 70、80 后的月可支配收入
只有不到 1500 元。Z 世代有着非常强
模已经达到 3.8 亿,其中高消费力占比高达 45%。
得 Z 世代者得天下,这个说法并不夸张。这个群
HOTELEX 作为食品产业的先锋展会,也关注到这
行业高峰论坛,吸引到 10 万 + 的餐企老板、食
品零售 / 渠道商参观展会。从而成为食品企业展
示其符合 Z 世代需求的热产品的佳展示平台。
According to data released byiResearch, the monthly
disposable income of the post-95sgeneration, known as
Generation Z, in the 2020s reached4,193 yuan, while
the monthly disposable income ofthe post-70s and 80s
in the first-tier cities was lessthan 1,500 yuan. This
shows that Gen Z has very strongpurchasing power and
has become the main force ofconsumption, and the size
of this group has reached 380million, of which high
spending power accounts for up to45%. It’ s not an
exaggeration to say that those whowin Gen Z will win
the world. This group has a highdegree of recognition of
product quality and brand.Therefore, it also drives food
companies to focus on quality andfreshness in product
design, and at the same timestrengthen the reflection of
product diversification andtrend.
As a pioneering exhibition in thefood industry, HOTELEX
also pays attention to this trend.By holding a series of
trendy events and pioneeringindustry summit forums, it
has attracted more than 100,000restaurant business
owners and food retailors ordistributors to visit the
exhibition. Thus, it becomes thebest platform for food
companies to display their hottestproducts that meet the
needs of Generation Z.
乳制品 | 休闲食品 | 方便食品 | 罐头食品 | 及功能食品 |清真食品 | 其他食品
Dairy | Leisure Food | InstantFoods | Canned Food | Organic and Functional Food | Moslem Food |Other Foods