2023-05-29 09:00 1次- 发布企业
- 浔之漫智控技术(上海)有限公司商铺
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- 6GK1901-1BB10-2AA0
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The requirements of users for an open, non-proprietarycommunication system have resulted in the specification andstandardization of the PROFIBUS protocol.
PROFIBUS defines the technical and functional features of a serialfieldbus system, with which the distributed field automationdevices in the lower area (sensor/actuator level) can be networkedup to the mid performance range (cell level).
Standardization according to IEC 61158/EN 50170 secures yourinvestments for the future.
Using the conformity and interoperability test performed by thetest laboratories authorized by PROFIBUS & PROFINET International(PI) and the certification of the devices by PI, users have thesecurity of knowing that the quality and functionality is ranteed,even in multi-vendor installations.
PROFIBUS versionsTwo different PROFIBUS versions have been defined in order tocomply with the widely varying requirements at field level:
PROFIBUS PA (Process Automation) – the version forapplications in process automation. PROFIBUS PA uses theintrinsically safe transmission technology specified in IEC61158-2.
PROFIBUS DP (Distributed Periphery) – this version, which isoptimized for speed, is specifically tailored to the communicationof automation systems with distributed I/O stations and drives.PROFIBUS DP sets itself apart as a result of very short responsetimes and high noise immunity, and replaces cost-intensive,parallel signal transfer with 24 V and measured value transferutilizing 0/4 … 20 mA technology.
Bus participants on PROFIBUS DPPROFIBUS DP makes a distinction between two different masterclasses and one device class:
DP master class 1
For PROFIBUS DP, DP master class 1 is the central component. In adefined and continually repeating message cycle the central masterstation exchanges information with distributed stations (DPdevices).
DP master class 2
Devices of this type (programming, configuring or operator controldevices) are used during commissioning, for configuring the DPsystem, for diagnostics or for operating the active plant orsystem. A DP master class 2 can, for example, read input, output,diagnostic and configuration data of the devices.
DP device
A DP device is an I/O device which receives output information orsetpoints from the DP master, and as response, returns inputinformation, measured values and actual values to the DP master. ADP device never sends data automatically, but only when requestedby the DP master.
The quantity of input and output information depends on the device,and for each DP device in each send direction can be a maximum of244 bytes.
Functional scope in DP masters and DP devicesThe functional scope can differ between DP masters andDP devices. The different functional scopes are classified asDP-V0, DP-V1 and DP-V2.
DP-V0 communication functions
The DP-V0 master functions consist of "Configuration", "ParameterAssignment" and "Reading Diagnostics Data", as well as cyclicreading of input data/actual values and writing outputdata/setpoints.
DP-V1 communication functions
The DP-V1 function expansions make it possible to perform acyclicread and write functions as well as processing cyclic datacommunication. This type of device must be supplied with extensiveparameterization data during start-up and during normal operation.These acyclically transferred parameterization data are only rarelychanged in comparison to the cyclic setpoints, actual values, andmeasured values, and are transferred at lower priority in parallelwith the cyclic high-speed user data transfer. Detailed diagnosticinformation can be transferred in the same way.
DP-V2 communication functions
The extended DP‑V2 master functions mainly comprise functions forisochronous operation and device-to-device communication between DPdevices.
Isochronous mode:
Isochronous mode is implemented by means of an equidistant signalin the bus system. This cyclic, equidistant cycle is sent by the DPmaster to all bus nodes in the form of a bal Control Telegram.Master and devices can then synchronize their applications withthis signal. The signal jitter between cycles is less than1 μs.
Device-to-device communication:
The "publisher/subscriber" model is used to implementdevice-to-device communication. Devices declared as publishers maketheir input data/actual values and measured values available toother devices, the subscribers, for reading. This is performed bysending the response frame to the master as a broadcast.Device-to-device communication is therefore a cyclic process.
PROFIBUS with SINAMICSSINAMICS uses the PROFIBUS DP protocol. SINAMICS drives canonly be used as DP devices.
PROFIBUS with SIMOTIONSIMOTION uses the PROFIBUS DP protocol. SIMOTION can be usedboth as a DP master and a DP device. The DP‑V0, DP‑V1 and DP‑V2communication functions are supported.
成立日期 | 2019年09月28日 | ||
法定代表人 | 袁宜男 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 西门子PLC模块,触摸屏,变频器,电线电缆,低压电器,交换机 | ||
经营范围 | 从事智能科技、自动化科技、机电领域内的技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务,工业自动化设备安装,工业自动化控制设备、电气设备、机电设备、电子产品、五金产品、金属材料、仪器仪表、橡塑制品销售,商务信息咨询,软件开发,建筑装修装饰建设工程专业施工,建筑安装工程(除特种设备),机械设备租赁(不得从事金融租赁),物业管理。工业自动化设备加工、销售。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | 浔之漫智控技术(上海)有限公司是中国西门子的合作伙伴,拥有授权证书,公司主要从事工业自动化产品的集成,销售和维修,是全国知名的自动化设备公司之一。公司坐落于中国一线城市上海市,我们真诚的希望在器件的销售和工程项目承接、系统开发上能和贵司开展多方面合作。以下是我司主要代理西门子产品,欢迎您来电来函咨询,我们将为您提供优惠的价格及快捷细致的服务!西门子全国区域代理,西门子授权PLC模块总代理,西门子中 ... |
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