2023-05-29 09:00 1次- 发布企业
- 浔之漫智控技术(上海)有限公司商铺
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- 报价
- 人民币¥660.00元每件
- 品牌
- 西门子
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- 产地
- 德国
- 关键词
- 西门子CPU1212C紧凑型单元
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SINAMICS Startdrive is integrated in the TIA Portal and is a toolfor the configuration, commissioning and diagnostics of theSINAMICS family of converters.
The SINAMICS Startdrive commissioning tool has been optimized withregard to user friendliness and consistent use of the TIA Portalbenefits of a common working environment for PLC, HMI and drives.Time-saving and guided step-by-step commissioning with maximumflexibility is complemented by user-friendly graphic function viewsfor all drive functions, including functional safety (SafetyIntegrated) and drive-based technology functions (e.g. EPos). Theautomatic message display, the powerful real-time trace and thecontext-sensitive online help make converter diagnostics veryeasy.
The software packages based on the TIA Portal are harmonized witheach other and offer important benefits, the main advantage being ashared project storage. The TIA Portal enables simple integrationof SINAMICS converters in your automation solution. Thanks to thestandardization of operator actions and the integration in generalTIA Portal operating concepts (e.g. UMAC, Openness) as well asstandard TIA Portal functions (e.g. Undo/Redo), familiarization iseasy both for drive experts as well as SIMATIC users. Special focusis placed on the interaction between SIMATIC and SINAMICS,especially when connecting the SINAMICS drives to SIMATICtechnology objects.
Supported frequency convertersSINAMICS Startdrive Basic enables complete commissioning,diagnostics, parameterization, optimization and connection to thePLC for the following SINAMICS converters integrated in SINAMICSStartdrive:
SINAMICS G120, G120C, G120D, G120P
SINAMICS S120 *), S150
*) Including SINAMICS S220 Smart Line Modules in booksizeformat as of SINAMICS Startdrive V17 Update 1.
SINAMICS Startdrive AdvancedWith SINAMICS Startdrive Advanced (available as of V15) you benefitfrom powerful engineering functions that save you considerable timeand ultimately costs.
Advanced functions for SINAMICS Startdrive: Safety acceptance testfor SINAMICS G120, SINAMICS S120 andSINAMICS S210
Safety Activation Test
Improved optimization options in the drive for CU320‑2 PN/DPand CU310‑2 PN-based drive units: Extended measuring functions(available as of V5.2 SP3)
Prompted acceptance test wizard for all drive-based SafetyIntegrated functions (Basic and Extended Safety)
Automatic and safety function-specific generation of traces toanalyze the machine behavior
Generation of an acceptance report as Excel file (xlsx format, canalso be used with OpenOffice)
Available for SINAMICS G120, G120C, G115D, G120D, G120P, S120and S210
Also contains all Startdrive Basic functions
License key only required, no additional installation
Startdrive Basic V17
Extension for UMAC: Additional function right for drive parameterchanges including DCC
Extension of the SINAMICS S210 family: Support of the SINAMICSfirmware V5.2 SP3
Extension of the SINAMICS S120 family: Support of CU320-2 DP(in V4.8 or higher) for SINAMICS S120 Booksize and Chassis
Extension of the SINAMICS MV family: Support of the SINAMICSfirmware V5.2 SP2
Extensions for CU320‑2 PN/DP and CU310‑2 PN-based driveunits
Support of the SINAMICS firmware V5.2 SP3
User-defined parameter list
Data set switchover (drive, motor, encoder and command datasets)
Improved optimization option in the drive (Bode diagram)
Extensions for CU320‑2 Integrated in SIMATIC Drive Controller
EPOS (basic positioner)
DCC (Drive Control Chart)
Improved interaction between drives and SIMATIC technologyobjects
Transfer of optimization parameters from One Button Tuning (OBT) ofthe drive to the technology object
Display of drive configuration status in the technology object
Support of new SINAMICS Technology Extensions (TEC) function,see <br. cs="" ww="" en="" view="" 109771648
Extension of the SINAMICS G120 family:
Support of the SINAMICS G115D distributed drive
Improved AS‑i connection for SINAMICS G115D AS‑i (incombination with SIMATIC ET200SP AS‑i Master)
Extension of technology object "BasicPosControl"
Physical units
Entry of mechanical data
Extension of Openness for drive units
More information on Startdrive Openness can be foundat <br. cs="" ww="" en="" view="" 109763491
Startdrive Advanced V17
Extension of safety acceptance test
Expansion for CU320‑2 PN/DP and CU310‑2 PN-based driveunits: Improved optimization options in the drive: Extendedmeasuring functions (available as of V5.2 SP3)
SINAMICS Startdrive can be installed as an optional package toSIMATIC STEP 7 or as a stand-alone application (withoutSIMATIC STEP 7).
System requirementsThe following table shows the recommended hardware and systemequipment for the operation of SINAMICS Startdrive.
Hardware | Recommendation |
Computer | As of SIMATICFIELD PG M5 Advanced (or comparable PC) |
Processor | Intel Corei5-8400H (2.5 ... 4.2 GHz; 4 cores +hyper-threading; 8 MB Smart Cache) |
RAM | 16 GB ormore (32 GB for large projects) |
Hard disk | SSD with atleast 50 GB available memory |
Screenresolution | 15.6" Full HDdisplay (1920 × 1080 or larger) |
Operatingsystems | MicrosoftWindows 10 (64 bit) Windows 10Professional Version 1909, 2004, 2009/20H2 Windows 10Enterprise 1909, 2004, 2009/20H2 Windows 10IoT Enterprise 2016 LTSB Windows 10IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC |
SINAMICS Startdrive V17 operates with STEP 7, WinCC and ScoutTIA V17 in one framework
SINAMICS Startdrive V17 can be installed on the same computer asother versions of SINAMICS Startdrive V12 to V16
SINAMICS Startdrive can be installed on the same computer asSINAMICS MICROMASTER STARTER
SINAMICS Startdrive can be installed in a virtual machine. For thispurpose, one of the following virtualization platforms in thespecified version or a newer version can be used:
Microsoft Windows 10 Professional Version 1909, 2004, 2009/20H2
Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 1909, 2004, 2009/20H2
Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2016 LTSB
Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2019 LTSC
The following safety programs have been tested with SINAMICSStartdrive V17:
Virus scanners:
Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.2
Trend Micro OfficeScan 12.0
McAfee Endpoint Security (ENS) 10.6
Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.3
Microsoft Defender
Qihoo 360 "Safe rd 12.1" + "Virus Scanner"
Encryption software:
Microsoft Bitlocker
Host-based Intrusion Detection System
McAfee Application Control 8.2
成立日期 | 2019年09月28日 | ||
法定代表人 | 袁宜男 | ||
注册资本 | 500 | ||
主营产品 | 西门子PLC模块,触摸屏,变频器,电线电缆,低压电器,交换机 | ||
经营范围 | 从事智能科技、自动化科技、机电领域内的技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务,工业自动化设备安装,工业自动化控制设备、电气设备、机电设备、电子产品、五金产品、金属材料、仪器仪表、橡塑制品销售,商务信息咨询,软件开发,建筑装修装饰建设工程专业施工,建筑安装工程(除特种设备),机械设备租赁(不得从事金融租赁),物业管理。工业自动化设备加工、销售。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 | ||
公司简介 | 浔之漫智控技术(上海)有限公司是中国西门子的合作伙伴,拥有授权证书,公司主要从事工业自动化产品的集成,销售和维修,是全国知名的自动化设备公司之一。公司坐落于中国一线城市上海市,我们真诚的希望在器件的销售和工程项目承接、系统开发上能和贵司开展多方面合作。以下是我司主要代理西门子产品,欢迎您来电来函咨询,我们将为您提供优惠的价格及快捷细致的服务!西门子全国区域代理,西门子授权PLC模块总代理,西门子中 ... |
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